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Penis Names?

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I've occasionally heard it said, usually by a lady, that guys actually do give a name to their they? Have you anything you would care to share with us, a story maybe?
How does one decide on a there a baby name book fer willies?
Never met a penis with a name? Have you even asked?
It can only have one name:
Obviously. What else would you call it? ((( There are other names, but they're faaaaar to intimate to share! ))) confused
Quote by neilinleeds

:shock: I think I need to see that film. It sounds so bad that it is probably brilliant. lol
Mine doesn't have a name, but I do find myself referring to it as 'him' or 'he' - I suppose calling it 'her' or 'she' would be far stranger dunno
When he takes upon himself to stand to attention before the order is issued, I do utter the line 'Get down Shep' as a reminder of who is charge (well, I am most of the time) :rascal:
I had an ex who referred to it as Percy - embarrassed to say I giggled myself stupid and for some reason we didnt last much longer after that dunno
Quote by Pink_n_Blue
I had an ex who referred to it as Percy - embarrassed to say I giggled myself stupid and for some reason we didnt last much longer after that dunno

:sad: :sad: :sad:
Hahaha I don't really call it Percy. I was just kidding. Noone would call it that IRL would they? Be stupid! rolleyes
Good save that wannit? No? Oh well. sad
Quote by neilinleeds
Hahaha I don't really call it Percy. I was just kidding. Noone would call it that IRL would they? Be stupid! rolleyes

The only guy I know who went to public school excuses himself to go to the toilet with the phrase:
"one's orf to point pink percy at the porcelain"
Safe to assume you were not classmates Neil?? :lol2:
Quote by Big_Fraser
The only guy I know who went to public school excuses himself to go to the toilet with the phrase:
"one's orf to point pink percy at the porcelain"
Safe to assume you were not classmates Neil?? :lol2:

Probably not. Even the kids I went to public school with had flat vowels. Oddly enough most of 'em came from the posh bits of the pit villages around Wakefield so none of this orf business? They'd never have survived? confused lol Besides, anyone who dared talk like that would have been beaten to death on the rugger pitch, or pelted in the showers afterwards at the least! :P
So this is a thread about the names of pricks? ...... Is it just limited to people on SH or life in general?! :giggle:
A former lover and I had a dildo we called St Augustine ...does that count?
Quote by Cicero
A former lover and I had a dildo we called St Augustine ...does that count?

I had to look that up. You got it the wrong way round though surely? It was St Augustine who was deeply moved by the Hortensius of Cicero, not St Augustine doing the moving? lol Fuck knows what a Hortensius is though?
Quote by neilinleeds
A former lover and I had a dildo we called St Augustine ...does that count?

I had to look that up. You got it the wrong way round though surely? It was St Augustine who was deeply moved by the Hortensius of Cicero, not St Augustine doing the moving? lol Fuck knows what a Hortensius is though?
I seem to remember from my latin days that it's a book written by Cicero named after his friend, the politician Quintus Hortensius Hortalus :jagsatwork:
Quote by neilinleeds
It was St Augustine who was deeply moved by the Hortensius of Cicero, not St Augustine doing the moving? lol

Typical, she just lies there while cicero works his hortensius off trying to please her rolleyes
Probably left him for one of those smooth talking Judean People's Front chaps at the first opportunity too! :lol2:
Quote by SinSi
I seem to remember from my latin days that it's a book written by Cicero named after his friend, the politician Quintus Hortensius Hortalus :jagsatwork:

Oh, well yeah. If they'd said it was that Hortensius I'd have known who we were on about immediately. Roman chap? Big nose? Roman all over his face? That the fella?
Quote by Fraser
Typical, she just lies there while cicero works his hortensius off trying to please her rolleyes

Stop talking about Funlovers like that. It's rude when they're not here to answer for themselves?
Quote by Fraser
Probably left him for one of those smooth talking Judean People's Front chaps at the first opportunity too! :lol2:

Judean People's Front? Fuck off. T'was the People's Front of Judea. Judean People's Front, caw. :roll:
Quote by noladreams
I've never met one with a name dunno

I see, nola, you've never been formally introduced! :giggle:
Quote by Cicero
a dildo we called St Augustine

What was it like?
I've known a few people that had pet names for their genitals and it is usually a joke, or half-joke, but I wouldn't be able to remember any of the names. Perhaps my humour doesn't work that way, but I also find it a little disturbing to see men (Fraser!) refer to their penis as if it were a separate entity! loon That, and I am really bad at remembering names smile
My first lover called his Percy this must be a common thing lol
Never fussed me really, I think it was just a way of asking for things in the third person as such.
So instead of saying 'I want to......' It was 'Percy wants to......'.
It made taking rejection easier as I wasnt rejecting him, just Percy.
We were only 16 though and egos are extremely fragile then :-P
Pam xx