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People losing the power of their fingers or.................

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1 watcher
are their finger just currently otherwise occupied!!
Yes Im a bit tipsy again and probably ready for a senseless ramble (sorry mods and everybody else!)
Anyhoo whats everybody doing or have I just clicked something that marks all posts read cause?? confused rolleyes
I think you might have clicked the wrong button
?? maybe I did! confused
Maybe your boobs fell on the keyboard, lol
hehe nah im too short for that to happen!! hehe
Im a squirty dwarf with droopy tits hehehehe !!
so anyway about them fingers!!!!............... biggrin
how many do you want? :twisted:
hehe now thats a very very long sticky oops tricky question and depends on th curcumstances and anyway you didnt say where!! hahahaha :twisted:
not fussy. I'll put them anywhere, lol
Bringing the thread back on topic.... lol
Quote by fruity1976
Anyhoo whats everybody doing or have I just clicked something that marks all posts read cause?? confused rolleyes

There are quite a few threads that I know for a fact I haven't read since I logged on a couple of hours ago but it's only showing the top 3 threads in the cafe as unread. I think something else has happened. (I haven't logged out in that time either)
cool you are an angel I knew I couldnt be that pissed Im not that illiterate on a pc!
And again back to the other topic!! What is everyone up to tonight! ????
Hey! wave
I'm one more who's here but I agree it seems quiet tonight dunno
I should go and find your other thread because I'm aching all over after last night's passionkiss 69position hump with a bit of thrown in for good measure ;)
I haven't been able to get the off my face all day though lol.
But now I'm off to bed :sleeping: :sleeping:
hehe sleep well indeedee!! biggrin