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people who play without their partners knowledge

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Something sparked me enough in threads on LMU to ask this... And i hope that i have phrased it in such a way that i have tried to keep it as impartial as possible.....
Maybe it is me, but i see a lot more married people coming here without their partners knowledge and see it being justified in varous different ways in what they are looking for......
can i just ask you all a few question......I suppose it goes out to any of the men/women in this position..... just want to get a few answer just because it may help the rest of us think of it in different ways
so you see it as 'No Strings Attached' sex.......and that is fair enough for you......
would your partner see it as 'NSA' if they found out???
if they would be fine about it why have you not told them what you are doing?? after all isn't honesty the best policy......
if they would go ballistic then is the sex you get worth the pain that you potentially put them thru.....
If the shoe was on the other foot, how in a sense would you feel......
I have deliberately not used the 'C' word in the thread as i was trying to keep it as non-contenious as humanly possible......
sean xxxxxxxxxxx
Sometimes sex in long term relationships / marriages can get boring no matter how good the partner is for allsorts of reasons. But in all other aspects of the relationship / marriage everything is fine. So either arguements start or they come to an arrangment i.e. open relationship or one partner turns a blind eye to whats going on and doesnt want to have other partners themselfs. They know but dont want to know and what they dont know doesnt hurt them. I am not agreeing or disagreeing with having sex behind a partners back but its not always as black and white as it seems!
Me personally would never meet anyone who is 'married and cheating' and to be honest i find it quite a insult that they come on swinging sites and expect swingers not to care, putting comments up like...thought you lot would be more open minded on a site like this! we are open minded but having been in a relationship in the past where my partner shagged everything that moved i could not, and will not do that to another person, if i met a man (or woman) that was married and cheating and i knew they was then i feel that i would also be cheating on that person, and why would i want to do such a hurtful thing to someone whos never done me no harm, and believe me when you find out is it hurtful.
People on swinging sites are as a rule open minded but also most are caring people and cheating on someone does not count as open minded.
My views are if you care so little for someone that you would cheat on them then you should leave them, no ifs or butts, no money or kids crap i have heard it all b4, you either love someone or you do not and you don't cheat on someone you love.
ok can only add this ....... we (me and slayer) are married, dont have secrets, so know exactly whats going on ...................... if you play without partners knowledge or consent you are simply cheating, there are lots of people we know that have genuine reasons for swinging alone, that said their partner is aware of the situation ................... end of the day ......cheating is cheating !!!
Wouldnt do it and wouldnt want it to be done to me !
Nuff said really kiss
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I am not going to voice my opinion on the rights or wrongs.
Everyones circumstances are different - one should not sit in judgement.
You have no idea what their home life is like or why they decide to embark on this path.
You choose who you want to swing with - that is your life and your preroggative.
Likewise, anyone who wants to play away from home - their life, their decision. I am certain many do not take the decision lightly.
However this subject HAS been done to death!
It is always immotive as you well know - and ends up with a verbal bashing of many of the members on here - most who don't warrant it.
Even you yourself have posted comments related to Cheating (calling it the C word doesn't disguise what you are inferring) within the last few days. AS you also do on most threads relating to this subject which have come up over the last 18 months.
Starting a new thread seems pointless - just do a search on cheating and see how many threads relate to it. This is what we are forever saying to newbies - don't start a new thread when others exist! S
Just my opinions.....
Ok back to work for me....
Alexandra well said agree 100% everybody has a reason why they swing wether they are married or not and who are we to sit in judgement.
Alexandra, I agree entirely.
Many people on here seem to hide under the title of being "open minded" but to be really open minded you have to accept that there are certain things you may not understand, things that are beyond your comprehension or experience.
As I stated elseweher on the this site, it does baffle me that thos most likey to condem married people palying behind their patners back are usuall the ones that are not in a relationship!!Maybe that says it all?
For my part I am fortunate enough to be married to a man who understand that I need "outside interests". However I would never judge anyone who does not tell their partner, after all its their life and relationship.
Personally I am convinced that many partners know that there other half is messing around, they just choose to ignore it. Maybe the all righteous shingles should follow suite?
My main point is that this subject has been discussed over and over and over again!
Unless Mark wants to restrict access to the site to exclude any MWPKs marrieds without partners knowledge (that would have to include 'social' members too), then it is a fact of life that the site will have a membershiup from all quarters.
The fact is we are each responsible for what we do individually.
People may choose or nor choose to play with MWPKs!
Again I say who is anyone on here to judge the individuals themselves?
I am neither defending not condemning anyway.
My feeling this thread is just covering the same old ground and only started to get people's backs up.
Sean, I understand where you're coming from, but really this thread will lead to insults, hurt feelings, moralistic values being banndied about galore and at the end of it all, there will STILL be married people coming on here to play alone without their spouse confused
Raking over old coals springs to mind rolleyes
As Alex says, we can all chose whom we swing with, so it should be left there and up to the individual who they choose.
To have these threads constantly, is somewhat like having a sermon preached at us all. We get told who/what/when/when we should swing. People get told they have no morals, should be ashamed of themselves . . . yadda, yadda, yadda.
Quite frankly I couldn't give a toss is someone is on here and married. So what?! It's their life, decision, choice.
Would any of those who sit in judgement, walk up to a stranger and start questioning their sexual habits and giving them a lecture? Of course not, so why do it on here? :?
Those who claim to have an *open mind* seem at times to keep their blinkers very firmly on :roll:
Frankly, if I wanted a sermon, I'd go to Church on Sunday :roll:
its a bit like bare back or not
its been done to death
its a personal choice thing ,where you view the married without partners
live and let live mr fabio its a big enough site for every adult to enjoy to whatever level of involvment they choose
Quote by treasurechest
Personally I am convinced that many partners know that there other half is messing around, they just choose to ignore it. Maybe the all righteous shingles should follow suite?

i do agree with you, what other do is their life and choice, however the post was a direct question and i answered it lol thats not to say i would go upto someone who is cheating and have a go at them cause i wouldn't as its nothing to do with me, i personally think i feel so strongly about the subject as i know how it feel to find out the person who claims to love you has cheated on you, and even after i found out and he did admit to me in the end he had been cheating he still stood there and claimed he loved me, now i'm sorry but i just don't get that, maybe i'm just a stupid woman who has no understanding on how a mans mind works dunno
I guess its a case of live and let live so long as things i don;t agree with do not invlove me wink
Quote by Alexandra
I am not going to voice my opinion on the rights or wrongs.
Everyones circumstances are different - one should not sit in judgement.
You have no idea what their home life is like or why they decide to embark on this path.
You choose who you want to swing with - that is your life and your preroggative.
Likewise, anyone who wants to play away from home - their life, their decision. I am certain many do not take the decision lightly.
However this subject HAS been done to death!
It is always immotive as you well know - and ends up with a verbal bashing of many of the members on here - most who don't warrant it.
Even you yourself have posted comments related to Cheating (calling it the C word doesn't disguise what you are inferring) within the last few days. AS you also do on most threads relating to this subject which have come up over the last 18 months.
Starting a new thread seems pointless - just do a search on cheating and see how many threads relate to it. This is what we are forever saying to newbies - don't start a new thread when others exist! S
Just my opinions.....
Ok back to work for me....

I'm with Alex on this, in all except on thing she said. I think it's an emotive issue and certainly not immotive, unless by immotive you're suggesting intransigence, as often displayed during this sort of discussion.
Each to their own, I have cheated in the past and hated everything that it bought. I would hate for it to be done to me and do not intend to do that to another again. I have no problem meeting a married female, it's her choice, her responsibilty and, ultimately, her relationship that she is risking.
I don't think the way you worded your post was in any way impartial, you made your feelings pretty clear on the subject.
The Reason why I put this up was that you are right... not everyones circumstances are the same....and it isn't always a case of black or white....
But it has come up again in a thread in LMU, Where in the last hour a mod has stated "Maybe those wishing to discuss married people playing away should take it through to the cafe and allow the Lets Meet Up section to be used to seek fun"
that is exactly what i have done after reading that thread.....
if was actually done more as a point of interest.... "I"was the one that was interested in finding out as to why people do it...... not to commemt or condone, which is why i left THAT word out of the discussion.......
sean xxxxxxxxx
Sorry Chris
Quite correct - emotive is what i meant to put.
Put it down to a long days travel, lack of sleep and a lot of mental concentration today.
Oh - and crap spelling too. rolleyes
Quote by fabio grooverider
I have deliberately not used the 'C' word in the thread

Was anyone else thinking Cunt or was it just me dunno
redface lol
Quote by Dawn_Mids
I have deliberately not used the 'C' word in the thread

Was anyone else thinking Cunt or was it just me dunno
redface lol
no it was just you rolleyes
Quote by fabio grooverider
The Reason why I put this up was that you are right... not everyones circumstances are the same....and it isn't always a case of black or white....
But it has come up again in a thread in LMU, Where in the last hour a mod has stated "Maybe those wishing to discuss married people playing away should take it through to the cafe and allow the Lets Meet Up section to be used to seek fun"
that is exactly what i have done after reading that thread.....
if was actually done more as a point of interest.... "I"was the one that was interested in finding out as to why people do it...... not to commemt or condone, which is why i left THAT word out of the discussion.......
sean xxxxxxxxx

But this discussion HAS been done in here - many many many times - and many where you have joined in! If you searched I am certain your question will have been asked before - and answered (if there is a definitive answer which covers every person's circumstances).
To be honest though it is no one else's business but theirs as to WHY they do it.
Quote by Dawn_Mids
I have deliberately not used the 'C' word in the thread

Was anyone else thinking Cunt or was it just me dunno
redface lol
Yup I thought the C word was.... 'That' C word
Quote by Dawn_Mids
I have deliberately not used the 'C' word in the thread

Was anyone else thinking Cunt or was it just me dunno
redface lol
Dawn!!!!! rolleyes
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Quote by Dawn_Mids
I have deliberately not used the 'C' word in the thread

Was anyone else thinking Cunt or was it just me dunno
redface lol
i was thinking more like Commencing world war 3
Quote by fabio grooverider
But it has come up again in a thread in LMU, Where in the last hour a mod has stated "Maybe those wishing to discuss married people playing away should take it through to the cafe and allow the Lets Meet Up section to be used to seek fun"

You can use my name you know, I'm not fussy :lol2:
My point was, you, along with others, were having a discussion on this subject within someone's thead where he was seeking extra marital relationships.
We should not judge anyone for what they are seeking let alone in the wrong part of the forum rolleyes
Quote by Dawn_Mids
But it has come up again in a thread in LMU, Where in the last hour a mod has stated "Maybe those wishing to discuss married people playing away should take it through to the cafe and allow the Lets Meet Up section to be used to seek fun"

You can use my name you know, I'm not fussy :lol2:
My point was, you, along with others, were having a discussion on this subject within someone's thead where he was seeking extra marital relationships.
We should not judge anyone for what they are seeking let alone in the wrong part of the forum rolleyes
but Dawn my wife don't understand me dunno
I think we should learn to be more non-judgmental. It’s none of our business. We don’t know the ins and outs of people’s circumstances and why they choose to play outside of marriage without the other person’s knowledge.
We wouldn’t welcome non-swingers to judge us as swingers so we shouldn’t judge others for what they choose to do.
Live and let live…..and stop bloody moaning! :P
Quote by Alexandra
To be honest though it is no one else's business but theirs as to WHY they do it.

The only decision for us to make is whether we choose to swing with a married person.
Quote by Alexandra
I have deliberately not used the 'C' word in the thread

Was anyone else thinking Cunt or was it just me dunno
redface lol
Dawn!!!!! rolleyes
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I know, I wrote thet C word on the forum surprisedops:
smackbottom Dawnie :giggle:
Quote by Dawn_Mids
To be honest though it is no one else's business but theirs as to WHY they do it.

The only decision for us to make is whether we choose to swing with a married person.
The only problem I have with it is that as a rule I won't play with married men who are trying to be single. That's my rule and I do stick to it and I'm don't hide it !
It annoyshell out of me when married men who are cheating don't tell the partner they want to play with! So we can't always "choose" who we want to play in that respect.
I have turned down meets with men who are married, even though they are lovely people and I'm not judging what they do because I don't know the circumstances., but at least let your swinging partner know so they can make that decision themselves.
C x
Calista - that I do agree with!
You have to have the information to enable you to make an informed choice.
Quote by Dawn_Mids
To be honest though it is no one else's business but theirs as to WHY they do it.

The only decision for us to make is whether we choose to swing with a married person.
Yes, that's true, we all make our own choices. I know that I will probably get shot down here, :P but I actually like married men and don’t mind if their wives don’t know. If they have no problem in separating sex and love and play and commitment, then why should I worry? I feel that they are very different types of relationships. I have a busy life (and often complicated) and find that married men conveniently leave me alone when I’m busy, they don’t suddenly announce they are in love with me and they don’t try and stop me from playing around like I want to.