The way a post is written - wit and intelligence, punctuation (no text type please!!) and the content - whether that be a witty one liner or a thought provoking answer. Someone who is able to say what they feel without feeling put off by other people's views.
That about does it for me.....
Hello all, :angel:
This is a great thread ... I have been reading it and trying to think of something to say as a reply but wasn't sure what to put at first.
I haven't been around for a while and many of you probably wont remember me or even know who I am.
When I was actively reading and posting on the forum I found that I could generally tell what kind of personality people had by their style of writing. The things that interested me most was humour and people who showed some sensitivity too.
I generally only reply to posts that interested me and inputed into the discussion.
I feel it's nice to be able to have a laugh and a joke, although I wouldn't say I am particularly funny.
I also think respect is a good point for me too, everyone is an individual and deserves the right to be just that. While I may not agree with their argument I respect that its their choice and right to think that way.
That's my 2pence worth for now ...
P.S Hello everyone who does know me .. have some catching up to do!!! :happy:
perking your interests?
well i certainly do NOT post to boost my count in fact i find that offensive
i like to browse on here and read the threads out of interest but more and more i see lots of kissing ass, and a general ripping to shreds or peoples point of then i think twice, no probably thrice on leaving a reply.
However in answer to the question i like to smile and have fun and anything remotely thought provoking is good.I shall name drop, as quite recently this person made me smile and i was inspired to pm him to make a 45, i am sure you wont mind me saying hi xxx and yes iv'e probably used bad grammer but then again i like the content pepps xxxx