An ex of mine had a black vibrator that she affectionately called the black mamba.
Minx told me she will kill me if I reveal the pet name she uses for her favourite.
Chatting in the room tonight it became apparent that a few other folk had pet names for their fave toys.
I wondered if anyone would like to own up/shop their other half.
The big one,the bigger one, the little one, the silver one, the double dildo, the double ender,my favourite one, that black one, the rechargeable one, in fact just pass me the bloody box :crazy: oooh not seen this one for a while :twisted:
My mate calls hers Steven Gerrard :doh:
i call my flesh light 'that awful smell in the corner'
or the wankatron 6000
i don't own a fleshlight
my left hand
When Elle says "get my thing" I know it's the platinum rabbit she wants!
On a side note, we keep toys etc in a metal box so if our house burnt to the ground with us in it, all people would have to remember us by would be the Ann Summers collection 2005-2009!
Mrs leics has one , i call the "pink sparkley thing " , as its got glitter in the shaft !