The thread on biscuits made me think.
The only biscuit I really enjoy being dunked are Bourban creams. I would dunk the biscuit, and eat the wet bit, then throw the dog the dry half.
We had to have her put to sleep last week, she had stomach cancer. Yet I still throw her the half of biscuit. I still leave half a sandwich, cause she used to make me feel guilty, if I didnt share. I have no idea how long this is gonna last....
So what strange habits have you got into since you got your pets?
I always keep banana skins now...cos my horse loves them. Bless him
we havent formed any really bad habits with the cat! however she has worked out for herself that toddlers are wonderful things that leave a trail or crumbs and half eaten biccys wherever they go! and they can always be relied upton to share an icecream with! :shock: :crazy: eugh!
Sorry to hear about your loss :cry:
When I was still at home and we lost our dog, for days I kept trying to smuggle him bits of dinner off my plate when no one was looking.
I lost one of my bunnies a while ago, she wouldn't touch certain foods so I never bothered to buy them. It's only been recently that I realised I could start buying them again because she wasn't around anymore.
I hope you feel better soon :therethere:
My old dog whenever i sat on the settee would jump up and sit on my shoulder.
we always thought she may have been a parrot in a former life.
my cat still loves to sit on my shoulder even at 13 stems from when i got her as a kitten. i walk around the house its only when i sit down she gets of and sits on my lap.