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Hypnotherapy is the most effective treatment for phobias
The principle characterisics of any phobia are that :
1 The intensity of the emotion is out of proportion to any possible danger
2 The fear is irrational; it cannot be reasoned or explained away
3 The fear cannot be voluntarily controlled
4 The fear causes the sufferer to avoid the object of their fear
5 The fear may make the sufferer feel silly or embarrassed
Most phobias originate in some specific, usually traumatic event. In many (though not necessarily all ) cases that event can be traced to childhood At the time of the original incident the subconscious mind makes a link with some person, place or thing that was in the environment at the time.
I recently reviewed the case of a client who had a phobic reaction to mushrooms. (No, it wasn't the Sarge). When this young man was walking in the countryside he saw some mushrooms growing against a tree and felt a bit uneasy. He thought no more about it until a few weeks later when passing a vegetable stall he saw some mushrooms and got really panicky. This sense of panic got worse in the following weeks. The problem came to a head when he was in a restaurant and he saw the waiter carrying mushrooms to a neighbouring table. He dashed from the restaurant in sheer terror, abandoning his new girlfriend on their first dinner date.
In hypnosis, this man was regressed to the first time that something had happened to cause this problem. He went back to when he was 18 months old in a playpen in the garden. A violent row broke out between his parents. On witnessing this he was struck by feelings of overwhelming panic. He thought they were killing each other. When asked (in hypnosis) what else he couls see, he replied "Mushrooms". Wild mushrooms were growing by the back door-step. His infant mind forgot the incident, but the feelings of panic were locked in with the sight of mushrooms.
While his conscious mind had repressed and subsequently forgotten all thoughts of the row between his parents, in the heightened state of emotion at the time of the traumatic event the connection between mushrooms and a very unpleasant experience had been set in his subconscious mind. Although he had repressed all thoughts of the incident, in later life contact with mushrooms was to trigger a state of intense anxiety. This phenomenon has been described as "a chance association of ideas". There is an unconscious, automatic response whenever the sufferer is exposed to the stimulus. This response can be both physical and emotional. The intense anxiety provoked by the stimulus can cause strong physiological reactions such as increased heart rate and cold sweats. In the more serious cases, these intense emotional responses can cause psychophysiological illness.
An unchecked phobia can expand from a specific stimulus to more and more situations. For example, a phobic reaction to butterflies might develop into a reaction to all winged insects. Such a phobia may even broaden to encompass birds.
Before a resolution can be achieved for any phobia, it is necessary to determine its cause. By inducing a hypnotic state in a client it becomes possible for a hypnotherapist to gain direct access to the client's subconscious mind and to identify the cause of the phobia. This often involves regressing the client to the point in their life when they first associated the stimulus with unpleasant feelings. In the example given of the mushroom-phobic client these were the feelings of terror and helplessness he felt on witnessing the violent conflict between his parents. In a process of re-framing, the hypnotherapist enabled the client to see the problem in a different light and to learn to respond to the stimulus in a healthier manner. With his new awareness and insight the client was able to break the link between the mushrooms and the intense emotional experience he had as a child. This client was successfully treated in 20 minutes. Fortunately his new girlfriend hadn't dumped him and when the next went to a restaurant he even ordered mushrooms for himself.
It is a truism that hypnosis is not hypnotherapy. It is not hypnosis, per se, that determines the success of of any hypnotherapeutic intervention. Rather it is the techniques that are used which ensure the success rate. However, the quality of hynosis will determine the quality of hypnotherapy.
The won't get me in the sea for love nor money........i think it goes back to seeing Jaws when i was seven!!
Quote by Scandal
Spiders, terrified of them, .......

Quote by freckledbird
I don't like birds getting too close to me either........

Quote by freckledbird
I'm scared of horses because one threw me

Quote by freckledbird
But most of all, I'm terrified of; bad, spilling, punk-shoe-ation and gramma

Scandal, your phobia now, should be me lol
You bugger
smackbottom :smackbottom: :smackbottom: :smackbottom:
Ooo my worse phobia is....... caterpillas - daft but true :shock:
Also dont like heights - an ex of mine tried to propose to me when we were halfway up the effiel tower, think i spoiled the moment abit by having a panic attack and fainting! lol

Have far too many phobia's to mention... but none of them have anything to do with sex, so, they're not really a problem !! lol
One of my fears is needles/injections, which after having 2 kids by epidurial seems a bit silly.
Anything covering my face or too close to my face so i feel i can't breath.
Hard to bescribe but anything with a sharp drop next to it, like cliff edges or the edge of a building ( i wouldn't call it a fear of heights as i love fair rides and they are high )
And finally Cable cars - an accident waiting to happen.
Quote by nealfiona
Hard to bescribe but anything with a sharp drop next to it, like cliff edges or the edge of a building ( i wouldn't call it a fear of heights as i love fair rides and they are high )

I know what you mean, thats my phobia too, it just makes my legs go all wibbly, but is worse if other people are near the edge, like my wife, I just go all cold, scared she is going to fall.
Isn't the human mind strange lol
I don't like:
Cotton wool (evil stuff)
Clowns (evil people)
Birds (rats with wings)
Porcelain dolls (I mean why??)
Spiders not too bad unless they are armed with cotton wool :P
Minx xx
Master of Sex
Quote by redstilletto
frogs.............. :shock:

And I thought I was the only one red!!! Horrible creatures!! <shudder> :shock: :shock: :shock: I mean 'whats the point??'
Warming the Bed
mice....... and I got the buggers camped in my garage mad :x :x
Heights, I just terrified of heights. My legs go all wibbly, I go light headed just thinking about it. redface
Quote by Alleyson
frogs.............. :shock:

And I thought I was the only one red!!! Horrible creatures!! <shudder> :shock: :shock: :shock: I mean 'whats the point??'
like a big ball bag with eyes
the point mmmmmmm they get stuck in me flymo and make me run around the garden and scream like a ruddy looney
I cant stand priests , dont know why , they just freak me out , im absolutely petrified of them :eeek: dunno .H`red
Quote by hornyred and dino
I cant stand priests , dont know why , they just freak me out , im absolutely petrified of them :eeek: dunno .H`red

Is that because of all the confessionals??? lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I used to suffer from a social phobia, which developed into agrophobia, which was diagnosed and treated. For those who haven't already met me at a munch etc, I can assure you I'm aaaaaaaaaall better now! :bounce: :mrgreen:
My best moment was standing on stage in front of 200 people at the NW munch with Busty singing (badly) Bohemian Rhapsody! :smug: (although I shall admit to hiding in a corner for 20 minutes after a few too many people came up and say hi when we first arrived redface)
After few pints for dutch courage, I was well out there!
Quote by da69ve
The won't get me in the sea for love nor money........i think it goes back to seeing Jaws when i was seven!!

thats another fear i have sharks. i love the sea but i only paddle in it. theres some crazy shit down there in the murkey depths. seeing damien hursts tiger shark in formalderhide put the fear of god into me, and the title says it all.( the physical impossabilty of death in the mind of someone living)
Quote by Clare_Lincs
I cant stand priests , dont know why , they just freak me out , im absolutely petrified of them :eeek: dunno .H`red

Is that because of all the confessionals??? lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: couldnt get thru a church door to confess even if i wanted too lol, they are too scarey . Dino reckons i was a witch :twisted: in a previous life and they found me guilty and burnt me or summat confused :?
KcKat's away up country without internet access and asked me to post this for her.
As some of you will know, she's frightened of flying but today (bless her) passionkiss she got on a plane and flew. :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Not sure what state the other passengers were in by the time they landed but all's well that ends well. :P
She's gotta do it all over again tomorrow! :shock: :shock: :shock:
Sex God
Quote by hornyred and dino
I cant stand priests , dont know why , they just freak me out , im absolutely petrified of them :eeek: dunno .H`red

You want to come and see them the way I do, that would soon stop the fear.
Sex God
Quote by Eagerslut9
KcKat's away up country without internet access and asked me to post this for her.
As some of you will know, she's frightened of flying but today (bless her) passionkiss she got on a plane and flew. :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Not sure what state the other passengers were in by the time they landed but all's well that ends well. :P
She's gotta do it all over again tomorrow! :shock: :shock: :shock:

Big hugs for KCKat :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Wasps, wasps
Got one buzzing me right now in my office - cant kill the sodding thing.
Either stay logged on or do a runner??????
Help please - it's now blocking the exit and getting closer ......................
If you dont hear from me again the bloody thing got me .....................
Sex God
Quote by Manolishi
Wasps, wasps
Got one buzzing me right now in my office - cant kill the sodding thing.
Either stay logged on or do a runner??????
Help please - it's now blocking the exit and getting closer ......................
If you dont hear from me again the bloody thing got me .....................

And I thought you looked so butch and manly rolleyes :roll: wink
Open the window and it will fly out if you wave a rolled up newspaper behind it and shoo it along lol
Now me on the other hand, I'm absolutely terrified of . . . . Clowns :shock:
Been like it since I was frightened by one as a very small child attending a Billy Smart's Circus show with my parents. We were in the front row of seats and he rushed over to us, grabbed me up and nuzzled my face with his bright orange scratchy nasty nylon wig :!: To say I made a puddle on the floor would be an understatement confused redface
When all my children were small I had to insist that no one bought them a toy clown for birthdays etc or I would have flipped my lid and most likely wet myself again blink :wink:
Used to have a needle phobia, until i turned Diabetic :doh:
Now its a social phobia, i hate crowded places which is kinda odd considering im a semi pro musician
Kylie is terrified of pigeons- swears blind that they are conspiring against her
...i'm terrified of sharks. since i was small... I loved swimming, since before I could walk, and i'm not so much afraid of them finding me in the ocean, but when i was a kid and swimming alone in my parents pool, i'd stay in the shallow end cos i thought JAWS would appear in the deep end....
the mr. is afraid of flying. he made it over to england ok, but says that next time he has to GO back to New York he's taking a boat INSTEAD of flying.
u think people are just ignoring you. but no....
Quote by ockysweeties
the mr. is afraid of flying. he made it over to england ok, but says that next time he has to fly back to New York he's taking a boat.

They'll never get a boat to fly all the way to New York lol
Sex God
Quote by Jags
Need to put sock/shoe on right foot first each time, I KNOW it's stupid and sometimes put left side on first but it's uncomfortable!

:lol2: Jags, you're wonderfully nuts! :lol2:
Your comment about mixing up fears and phobias is right though. Being afraid of sharks is just that, fear and has a reason behind it ... of course if a cuddly toy in the shape of a shark terrified the crap out of you ... that would be a phobia ...
I've no phobias as such, none I'm aware of at least, a few things I find creepy and don't like though ...
Cos I'm a geezer and I'm brave, see? :lol2:
Quote by RedHot
Wasps, wasps
Got one buzzing me right now in my office - cant kill the sodding thing.
Either stay logged on or do a runner??????
Help please - it's now blocking the exit and getting closer ......................
If you dont hear from me again the bloody thing got me .....................

And I thought you looked so butch and manly rolleyes :roll: wink
Open the window and it will fly out if you wave a rolled up newspaper behind it and shoo it along lol
Now me on the other hand, I'm absolutely terrified of . . . . Clowns :shock:
Been like it since I was frightened by one as a very small child attending a Billy Smart's Circus show with my parents. We were in the front row of seats and he rushed over to us, grabbed me up and nuzzled my face with his bright orange scratchy nasty nylon wig :!: To say I made a puddle on the floor would be an understatement confused redface
When all my children were small I had to insist that no one bought them a toy clown for birthdays etc or I would have flipped my lid and most likely wet myself again blink :wink:
Got it sorted - threw my big rose nose at it, bashed it over the head with my huge shoe then drowned it with water from my squirty flower
phew - all sorted
Sex God
Quote by Manolishi
Wasps, wasps
Got one buzzing me right now in my office - cant kill the sodding thing.
Either stay logged on or do a runner??????
Help please - it's now blocking the exit and getting closer ......................
If you dont hear from me again the bloody thing got me .....................

Now me on the other hand, I'm absolutely terrified of . . . . Clowns :shock:
Got it sorted - threw my big rose nose at it, bashed it over the head with my huge shoe then drowned it with water from my squirty flower
phew - all sorted
:shock: :shock: :shock: :scared: :giveup:
Ok. Ok. I give in :shock:
Promise I won't call you a wimp in future . . . . . . . bastard innocent :lol2:
Quote by RedHot
Wasps, wasps
Got one buzzing me right now in my office - cant kill the sodding thing.
Either stay logged on or do a runner??????
Help please - it's now blocking the exit and getting closer ......................
If you dont hear from me again the bloody thing got me .....................

Now me on the other hand, I'm absolutely terrified of . . . . Clowns :shock:
Got it sorted - threw my big rose nose at it, bashed it over the head with my huge shoe then drowned it with water from my squirty flower
phew - all sorted
:shock: :shock: :shock: :scared: :giveup:
Ok. Ok. I give in :shock:
Promise I won't call you a wimp in future . . . . . . . bastard innocent :lol2:
T-J - no way you would give up :whistling:
I reckon your just lulling me into a false sense of security then next time we meet you will be wearing yellow and black and make buzzing noises in my ear smackbottom :smackbottom: