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phone chat lines

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What's with the phone chat lines?
I was just flicking around Sky and listened to babestation and all these women describing themselves and who they want to talk to. Do you think they're legit? or are they actors?
What do men get out of talking dirty to a stranger at a £ a minute?
Anybody confess to using one out there?
Nope, but uised to work on one, and people really do spend that much to talk to you.
Always thought it was a bit sad them paying that much for me to chat shit at them, but it me earned enough for a holiday.
Funny thing was, i was about 18 or 19 and was too young to do tarot lines (had to be 21) but could do sex lines!
I've always thought it quite a sad thing to indulge in. I'm sure I could never see the attraction :confused:
Having said that, there is a woman who lives in my road who does these chat lines. She's made a lot of money from it and has a lovely home so she must be good at her job.
Funny thing is, she sits telling these guys she's a slim blonde/brunette whatever they want her to be, when in fact she weighs about 20 stones and has bleached blonde hair and is really ugly to look at. I'm sure these guys wouldn't look at her twice if she saw them face to face lol
Each to his own wink
never really understood it but each to their own. A few years ago the night shift manager where I worked ran up a bill of £600 on the company phone's. When caught he said it started as a bit of fun but became addivtive. confused
Quote by markz
never really understood it but each to their own. A few years ago the night shift manager where I worked ran up a bill of £600 on the company phone's. When caught he said it started as a bit of fun but became addivtive. confused

£600, just alittle addited then lol
do find the tv ads entertaining though, always used to laugh at the gay exchange ad- looked like a village people tribute band :giggle:
I remember seeing an ad for one where the girl was trying to sound sexy but didn't, and the number was something like 09 and she would stumble over the phone number in the ad. Running around in little shorts, 'wanting to talk to you'.
That gay male one was priceless.
i used to work for a adult chat company tho i didn't do phone chat i did text and emails, and they payed a text and thats for you to send them them, they also had to spend their network rate to send you one, i was whatever the person wanted, if their first text said they was a gay male then i acted as a gay male, if they was a lesbian then so was i, no there women on the adds are deffo not for real they are actors for the add, even on phone chat, tho obviously you have to be either male or female you can't be both like on test, the women are not what they say, i have a m8 that did the talk chat who was called Sophie and she was 21 size 8 with natural DD boobs wink in real life she was called Vicky, was about a size 26 and had boobs u needed a skip to carry them round in :lol2:
as for what men get outa it, well its just company for when ur lonely isn't it?
I have in the past tried to ring a couple of those numbers that charge £1+ a minute ( purely for research you understand) and very quickly got bored listening to someone who obviously wasn't as she described herself and reading from a script.
However as naller said, there are some normal rate chatlines with 'normal' people who are not paid to be there which can be a lot of fun. Though most are uninclined to have a talk of a sexual nature, you can sometimes find someone who is and even willing to meet up for fun, so don't knock it. It's no different to meeting someone from SH.