hello, wasnt sure who to ask on this, we have 2 ads on this site, and for them i have my email address set to amomous, however im getting people adding me to msn at a rate of 5-6 a day!! (all single males), i dont want this and when i checked my ad sure enough my email address is shown despite my settings saying its not, please help me i cant stand getting added to eveyrones msns!!
sorry for the rant ~hugs~ i hope someone can help
You've got your email address visible on your postings here - I think! Go to your profile and toggle the email option off. That should help!
thanks - however my settings say e-mail is off!! thats why im confused, atm im changing them several times to see if that helps
ok - with anomous email on the email address shows when you sign into send a message - i was under the impression it wudnt
with anomous e-mail off it shows it on the main add - i have now had to remove our ads
(sorry for the bad spelling)
jags hunny, if you are not all helped out for the night, could I ask a question related to this sweetie.
If you have the anonymous e-mail facility switched ON
:shock: Hang on, I just started typing this, and suddenly remembered that Jags had put a bloody great quote in one of her posts.
Perhaps it may be wise to read that before asking my question.. :uhoh:
Back soon
That was along the lines of my question Novice - (which has now been answered by RTFP) could they be getting the address from elsewhere.
I can see your address on your profile Krazy. Given that there are probably a large number of people viewing your advert, it would not be surprising if a few of them tracked down your profile and used the information there to add you to MSN.
Jags will, of course, go crazy now wondering what my question WOULD have been! :twisted: