i know what you mean,
i actually thought , un till someone told me diferent that the pictures on here could not be lifted.
my pics are in private gallery, i changed it to this as soon as i realised there was a gallery that all could view. I know that explicit ones cant be viewed unless they are members, but the on ei dont want every one to see is my face pic, which isnt explicit. ( ive also since noticed that the site even use some explicit ones to entice the no paying members to sign up to see more of the same)
any way i digress,
yes i thought and i think the pictures should NOT be able to be coppied.
all other sites ive been on or am on, you cannnot cut and paste pictures.
xx fem xx ( even more selective who i invite to gallery now)
i've had pics from my profile copied and printed out and shown to me along with " a little added extra" :wanker: by someone from this site in the past, i reported it to admin at the time asking why this was allowed to happen and was told there was nothing they could do :gagged:. the most worrying thing at the time was the face that my face wasnt blanked in the pics, as i thought the site was safe :shock: . i do think something should be done to stop this from happening, as not everyone reads the forums and may not know this can happen to them.
All my pics are so blurry and pixellated when you zoom in that no one would want to copy them anyway.
I did it intentionally. Having said that, there are pics of me elsewhere online. Maybe I should watermark them?
i didnt know this was posible until i was talking to someone on msn , i had only just giving them my addy and they comes on and says i have a pic of u :shock: i knew i had not sent them any pics so i asked them to send it to me which they did and surely enough it was a pic from here i was shocked at first but then figured if any one was stupid enough to try and pass my ugly mug of as themselves then good look to em
Yes everything can be copied and saved if you know which bits of software to use.
We have Microsoft Office One Note which we use for work which is an incredible bit of software if used properly. It can capture anything on your screen just press a button and it saves it so, pics, msn pics, chat room convos etc.
Unfortunately nothing these days is safe so either show it with pride lol, or dont show anything at all - which is our choice(as is everyone elses) and this doesnt seem to prove any problem with our making friends to date.
If you think copying of pics is bad, just be wary of going on cam. We heard the tale of someone downloading a random porn vid off somewhere (like you do!) only to open it and find it was them!!!!!
Just be aware that even cams can be recorded as they happen so if you don't want to be public stars be careful.
J x