Hi Guys,
Just tried to put some more photo's on my profile and only one of them has says pics must be more that 2mb.I have checked and they seem to be , etc, so why wont they up load?
Many thanks,
I think pictures have to go through Admin for approval so could take a couple of days. I dont have pictures but my guess is that is why
Hi again,
I don't seem to be able to get to the approval stage a big X (CROSS) in red comes up telling me the pic must be over , but I think they are.
I've just found one that needed authorising (now done), I think the other pics you are trying to upload is over the required spec... try changing the size and resubmit. Then I will have another look for you..
Ps you have 7 pics authorised now btw
I have changed the size of the pic and all seems well, awaiting approval.
God I'm thick when it comes to PCs.