Ok, I am bored. I work a lot using photoshop. One of the best features of it is that you can completely change people's bodies.
So, if some girl out there wants bigger or smaller tits, a rounder bum, a perkier nose... or if some guy wants a bigger cock and doesn't want to resort to painful weights and experimental drugs, PM me and I'll get working on pics.
Nope. Not a piccy collector... honestly, there's enough porn out there on the web to satisy anyone.
And I didn't mean for any of the pics to be used in the ads here... it's something I have done before on other sites. It's just a bit of fun - I am still learning Photoshop and it's more fun to work on someone else's body because then you get proper feedback afterwards letting you know if it's any good. Most people have certain parts of their body that they don't like, so they are always curious to see what they'd look like with bigger boobs/smaller noses/dyed hair.... it's as simple as that.
To be honest, the other sites where I've done this aren't sex-orientated sites, and I think people here are naturally suspicious of sending out pics to strangers, but I wasn't really expecting an avalanche of explicit pics.
Wow, look at the size of that knitting needle...
Yes, that's exactly the kind of thing I meant... stupid, silly stuff... it's fun!
I start a Photoshop course at college tomorrow - so expect to see the new improved celticq next week. Wondering if I should take dundeecpl's pic along as an example of the type of thing I'm trying to acheive. :shock:
This is the kind of thing I do.... but only when very bored.
Funny enough to comment twice, apparently.
Y'know, this generates the same thought in my mind as old Obi Wan Ken-knob-ni did a few months ago - when women (e.g. Rachel in Let's Meet Up, to give a recent example) talk about preferring a big penis, I always get the impression they mean one that's proportionally thick as well as long. The one in the picture looks about as thick as mine.
Just four or five times longer.
So it doesn't work as anything more than a joke, does it? The proportions are out; it's like a motorbike balanced on a breadstick. Ladies, if this were real and this guy was using it on you, wouldn't you be a bit worried about breaking it? I mean, doesn't it look a wee bit fragile to you?