if someone took a picture of me, after me requesting them not to, i would consider it ABUSE of my privacy, and would respond accordingly!
the point i actually want to make is.. it is irrelivent wether someone wants to keep out of photos because they do xxxxx job or because they are playing away from home or because they just dont like how they look in a bloody picture! EVERYONE is entitled to have their privacy respected regardless of the reasons why. it does not need to be justified in anyway.
HOW DARE people presume to make a choice about wether someone elses reasons for not wanting to be in a picture are good enough.
in a lifestyle where trust is parramount, anyone who thinks that betraying peoples trust in this way is a best a halfwit, and at worst, in need of a taste of their own medicine!
if said person had deleted the pics when asked then surely there would have been no trouble
and in turn nothing to report to anyone
as many people have said already no means NO
As this has turned into a 'he said, she said' type of thread with constant references to the 'said member' rather than the adult discussion it started out to be, I am going to lock it.
The_Laird, sorry you will not get any responses to your last post, as there was nothing wrong with you carrying on the discussion how you have been, but I dont like the way this has gone, with other people getting very close to naming and shaming, which as you all know, is not something we allow.
If anyone as a problem, my pm box is that way <<<<<<<