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Got a date tonight, going for a meal then pictures. Does anyone know of anything good on at the moment?
Wow do mean to say that there are cinemas in brighton biggrin :D
Learn something new everyday.
Wow do mean to say that there are cinemas in brighton biggrin :D
Learn something new everyday.[/quote
It's all rather sophisticated down here nowadays you know :mrgreen:
What ever you do don't go and see Saw. The story line aint bad but you and I coulda acted the part a lot more convincingly I'm sure mad
Alfie is pretty good
Alien Vs Predator is a great guys film
Bride and Prejudice is not bad, to much of a chick flick really
They're the last ones i seen
I'd recommend, Alfie
Satin wen to see Alien Vs Predator last night and said it was good.
Yeah its very good, although its abit corny, and also it ruins the original pred film, but i will leave it at that.
I have ruined to many films for being dappy and telling people the ending. The worst one was braveheart
Hmmm ramble ramble ramble blink
Sea...........Just about but not clean and cold lol :lol:
i thought brighton was quite sunny, theres 3 on 3 streetball tournaments on the seafront each year.
Portsmouth quite sunny, shame theres no sand
Shark Tale, deffo a must see movie........ it's on my must see movie list anyways..... redface
why are you all pickin on poor brighton ,my fave band are from brighton "british sea power".and its got a great pub/club no notice of em ,they,re more to be pitted than scorned biggrin .xx
Layer cake is quality... Alien v Predator is a travesty to what were amazing and original film baddies. It could have been so good but instead they came up with a film that any 6th former and multi-million pound budget could have knocked together. Money does not a good film make...
for the record i am a self confessed movie snob.
Well if your going on a date, youve gotta go for something romantic or mussy!
you can't really go and see "alien VS preditor on a date!!!!!
Friend of mine took a young lady to see Hannibal on their first date.
They're married now...
Quote by londonsnglmale
Alfie is pretty good
Alien Vs Predator is a great guys film
Bride and Prejudice is not bad, to much of a chick flick really
They're the last ones i seen
I'd recommend, Alfie

I'm gonna second Alfie based soley on the fact that I look a bit like Jude Law
ps I'm not joking.
First date as well so need to be a fairly middle of the road type film.
Quote by The Shadow
First date as well so need to be a fairly middle of the road type film.

first date, surly you want t spend two hours getting to know each other instead of staring at a screen. i'd reckomend bowling or something like that! so ya intereacting with each other!
going for a meal first then pictures
Quote by JGL
First date as well so need to be a fairly middle of the road type film.

first date, surly you want t spend two hours getting to know each other instead of staring at a screen. i'd reckomend bowling or something like that! so ya intereacting with each other!
F*ck that - meet in a bar, kick start with a couple of sambuca's, get hammered, talk absolute non-sense, snog.
Job done.
Cinema / bowling etc etc is all a bit High School if you ask me wink
No no no... if you wanna see blood and gore, go for blood and gore. Otrherwise, you hitch up together and have to spend eternity pretending you like fuckin chick flix, romantic comedies and the like. I fancy 'Saw'. Seen Alien v Predator and have to agree it does not do justice to either original, but still knocks spots off anyhting Meg Ryan might be in, IYKWIM.
Quote by surreycouple2003
First date as well so need to be a fairly middle of the road type film.

first date, surly you want t spend two hours getting to know each other instead of staring at a screen. i'd reckomend bowling or something like that! so ya intereacting with each other!
F*ck that - meet in a bar, kick start with a couple of sambuca's, get hammered, talk absolute non-sense, snog.
Job done.
Cinema / bowling etc etc is all a bit High School if you ask me wink
Have to agree.. meet up friday night and hit the funky cocktail bars in soho and covent garden still packed with all the after workers!! god i love living in london biggrin
Quote by surreycouple2003
Alfie is pretty good
Alien Vs Predator is a great guys film
Bride and Prejudice is not bad, to much of a chick flick really
They're the last ones i seen
I'd recommend, Alfie

I'm gonna second Alfie based soley on the fact that I look a bit like Jude Law
ps I'm not joking.
So it's not just your warped sense of humour which is attractive then? :wink:
Quote by Alexandra

I'm gonna second Alfie based soley on the fact that I look a bit like Jude Law
ps I'm not joking.

So it's not just your warped sense of humour which is attractive then? :wink:
Hi Alex
Indeed its true - I am both blessed with good looks and humour.
Modesty doesnt feature too highly in my psychological profile - but hey, who cares, I'm good looking & funny. :wink: :wink:
Now all I need is oodles of cash and a slightly bigger cock......!!!!
M (of SurreyCouple2003 fame) will both confirm the Jude Law things and deny the cock thing - but both are true..!!!
ps does anyone know how this chaps date went and whether of not they actually saw 'Alfie'