i would LOVE a piercing... i have my eye on one in particular, its a genital one.
unfortunately my bf is not happy to go along with it... it could be because the piercing in question will be on his cock! :twisted:
i think pierced tongues look really horny.
or nipples. only thing is.... when you get old.... on long boobs sagging down to your feet it might look a bit odd.. especially when your toe keeps getting caught in the ring!
I think if you have your clit pierced, it's possible to lose sensation but it doesn't always happen. Mine is the hood piercing though.
I have a nipple and facial and ears . My dick has exactly the correct amount of holes in it as it is and will not be getting any more . As far as women go , I like a pretty nose piercing and belly buttons are kewl , genital piercings I can take or leave . I dont believe they make one iota of difference sensation wise ( unless you attach some huge tickler to them) so theyre just a statement really , which means a short skirt and thigh highs or a t-shirt saying " Im fun and can be slutty" would work just as well with far less after care and pain .
I like piercings but all of mine seem to have disappeared over the last few years (which is kind of weird). i had my nose pierced for a while but it came out one night and i couldn't cope with the pain of getting in back in. Reeeeeally hurt. I have the mandatory belly button piercing too which I barely even notice these days. I like it though. I think i'd feel there was something missing if I stopped wearing a belly ring. If I got my clit pierced, I'd never get anything done!
Just to say cookie had her belly button pierced at a tattooist which took ages to heal then she had her clit hood done which she loves a lot, no pain healed well and she loves it. Apparently you can have the hood pierced across or lenght way not every one can have both types. We went all the way to Tauton to have hers done check out their web site these people are really nice. Cookie wanted me to get my dick done but as yet i have not, Tried very hard for her to get her Nipps done but she is happy with what she has.
As for me i love Nipps, belly, hood piercing , i think they are very sexy.
Had my ear pierced about 11 years ago and that was painful enough.
Would never get willy done - hate pain and I would be in agony.
I had my nipples peirced about two years ago and love them. IThere were painless at the time of piercing but within about half an hour, as the anasthentic wore off, they hurt like hell and continued to hur for weeks if not months.I have since discovered that the larger the nipples the more pain yiou suffer and mine are very large!!! However I think they were worth all the pain and I have never had any problems with them .
I haven't got any intimate piercings, but I have got my nose and belly button done which I love. The belly button one did take time to heal but if you keep it clean it should be fine. I can tug on my belly ring without any pain now after 18 months. If you get a nose piercing, don't let them use a piercing gun, it's much better to use a needle as it doesn't shatter the cartilage (sp).
Finally, choose a piercer who is registered and has a good reputation, don't go to any old place, then you should be safe.
Had one ear done at 18, then waited a bit until I was 37 till I had one nipple done. Now that was momentarily painful, but gave me a 'high' that lasted 3 days, and a lot of fun with it being played with....and when I was 40 (last year) I decided to get a Prince Albert (ring on the endo f the cock), which was pain free, bled a bit for a couple of days, but does improve what were great orgasms into 'oh my god I've fainted' ones. Highly recomended, especially if playng with someone who is already good at bj's. And if you get the angle right it does lovely things to a womans g-spot.
As for piercings on female partners, well nipple rings look great, but watch your teeth enamel, clit hood ones, well if they've been done well they are great fun to play with with your tongue. I find belly button ones just very sexy to look at.