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piercing update!!!

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2 watchers
hi all,
after my piercing disaster earlier this week i am now officially pierced!!!!
after lots of reseach into gential piercing decided to adondon the geisch piercing and go for the frenum piercing (please excuse my spelling).
this time my wife accompanied me. we went for a nice full breakfast and called into the piercing studio. the piercer was suprised to see me back so soon but we explained that we had second thoughts on the geisch and wanted the frenum done instead........
my wife held my hand as i screamed very loudly and the shop fell into silence!!
all done now she loves it, cant stop playing with it at the moment..
going to take it easy this afternoon just to be on the safe side...
going to take some pictures of it later!!!!
al n lyn x
Well done on getting a successful piercing! biggrin
Don't play with it too much for the first few days though or you may find it gets sore and infected.
The wait will be worth it wink
hi there,
i think u spoke to my better half? Lm2hot2handle?
she said u needed some advice, so if u do? feel free to give me a shout anytime.
hope i can help
thanks guys,
redhot will try to leave it alone!!!!
chief moo did speak to your other half in the chatroom, may take you up on your offer if i need any advise!!
we are already planning our first visit to the brighton sun club for its first public showing!!!
thanks guys xx
add 100612
looking good!!!!
bathed it 3 times in salt water today (even at work!)
hoping normal service will be resumed soon..
mrs ally want to take some family snaps later..
ally xx
add 100612
Quote by ally
looking good!!!!
bathed it 3 times in salt water today (even at work!)
hoping normal service will be resumed soon..

And no one said anything? Not even the people waiting for their McHappy Meals? lol
Sorry ... excuse my ignorance ... but what's a frenum ????
Don't bother answering ... googled and found it .... omg that looks painful ... had my hubby crossing his legs lol
Ouch.. I googled it as well..
This is a frenum piercing

I have tried to get a pic of a frnum ladder - but until I get mine done, you'll have to wait lol
Quote by wolvie_dude
Ouch.. I googled it as well..

Would look better with a tattoo as well
Bloody hell M2PU.... it's 0445 in the fecking morning and i'm already giggling.... and i think i will be any time i think of that picture!
absolutely classic....
right..... off to work.... bolt
It just wouldn't be complete without a Don Juan moustache muchachos.
biggrin :D :D :D
whishmaster add some ears..............................its mr potato head. :D
your a braver man than me ally, :shock:
maybe one day i will have a p.a......just need to get used to the nipple's been done 2 weeks, and it's still erect...nipple that is wink
i hear the nipple is a painfull one so i went for the lesser of the two!!
would love to hear from any fms that have tried out one of these piercings how it feels!
mrs ally cant wait to try it......
think she may have to wait a couple of day first lol
Quote by ally
i hear the nipple is a painfull one so i went for the lesser of the two!!
would love to hear from any fms that have tried out one of these piercings how it feels!
mrs ally cant wait to try it......
think she may have to wait a couple of day first lol

not painfull at all, stung a bit for a couple of minutes after, but that soon wore off.
to tell the truth...i really enjoyed having it done wink