i have had good reports from a couple of females who enjoyed it
but have any of you out there had different experiences???
good or bad ??
also what have you got and is it good?

Quote by Tania
How on earth do you keep pierced areas clean? Judging by earrings or rings in fingers, they tend to accumulate dirt...
Quote by RedHot
I have a vertical hood piercing and remove the ring twice a day when showering and sterilise it. Never had any problems with hygeine and intimate piercings
Quote by OnlyUs
I have a vertical hood piercing and remove the ring twice a day when showering and sterilise it. Never had any problems with hygeine and intimate piercings
Quote by RedHot
Well maybe I'm not normal then, but I like to be sure it's cleaned properly and there's no way I'm going to start washing myself in urine![]()
Quote by Tania
Well maybe I'm not normal then, but I like to be sure it's cleaned properly and there's no way I'm going to start washing myself in urine![]()
Quote by Tania
Main Entry: flo·ra
Pronunciation: 'flOr-&, 'flor-
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural floras also flo·rae /'flOr-"E, 'flor-, -"I/
Etymology: New Latin, from Latin Flora, Roman goddess of flowers, from Latin flor-, flos
1 : a treatise on or list of the plants of an area or period
2 : plant or bacterial life; especially : such life characteristic of a region, period, or special environment <fossil flora> -- compare FAUNA
Quote by alspals
My vertical clit hood piercing certainly seems to help.. particularly with oral.. never fails!!!!!
Quote by piercedcouplelondon
It goes through the clitoral hood vertically, rather than across.
The above is a clit hood...
That is a vertical hood piercing
That is a horizontal hood piercing
(hope that works)