i had my ear pierced once when i was fifteen and i had to wait ages before i got bloody age before i got laid.
Also got vertical clit piercing after much recommendation, at times gives me great
pleasure but perhaps not as much as i had expected.
I put this down to my expectations being too high!
No they dont , theyre just decoration . People mental enough to to make holes in their dick will claim they increase stimulation , in order to justify their madness . But any woman that when fully lubricated and in the throes of passion can actually feel the half inch diameter three millimetre thickness of a prince albert as shes being penetrated by a decent sized dick must be so sensitive you could make her cum by blowing a kiss at her.
Male here has 0ga Prince Albert (about 1cm) and YES, it can be felt. Furthermore, a frenum ladder (think 8-10 piercings up the shaft) give an incredible ribbed effect.
Woman here has a few - nipple and clit hood, etc.
Clit hood stimulates clit (during activity), nipple bar makes nipple more sensitive.
End of story.
I've never heard of a genital piercing getting infected.
Mine healed more quickly than my navel.
Main Entry: flo·ra
Pronunciation: 'flOr-&, 'flor-
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural floras also flo·rae /'flOr-"E, 'flor-, -"I/
Etymology: New Latin, from Latin Flora, Roman goddess of flowers, from Latin flor-, flos
1 : a treatise on or list of the plants of an area or period
2 : plant or bacterial life; especially : such life characteristic of a region, period, or special environment <fossil flora> -- compare FAUNA
To clarify:
"End of Story" was referring to the "maybe" at the beginning. Suggest further reading at:
i aint had any problems with keeping clean regular washing is the answer in my experience and as for condom splitting not a problem and if concerns arrise removal is quicker than putting on a condom so no problems there
thanks for replys
was just wondering about your views cheers