A test tube full of swarfega does it for me.
Seriously though, it is a bit odd isn't it, that blokes using blow-up dolls etc are the butt of jokes, but 90% of the female population owns a dildo and it's considered perfectly normal.
As Im female I cant possibly comment on how artifical pussys feel, but I know my h/b and a couple of guys I have spoken to love Vibro Rings. They are plastic, battery opperated, plastic rings that go over the penis and whats more if you have a partner there is a protruding bit that stimulates the womans clit (very good). They dont pretend to be a pussy and from what I am told dont feel like one but certainly seem to excite!!
They are quiet cheap at less than £15 and you can buy them on line from the leading national sex aids chain or on line.
Are you talking about the reported vogue for surgically-enhanced "designer vaginas"?
forget the fake pussys there realy crap honestly...!
Want a tip? ..... go buy a big juicy melon cut a hole in the skin stick it in the microwave for 30 seconds and your off lol honestly its great..!
dont take your time respecting the melon though they disintergrate fast