Milk, Milk, lemonade
Round the corner chocolates made
done with the actions of pointing to each boob, your fanny and your butt

and that took me on such a trip down memory lane, I thought it would be a laugh to see who remembers what daft games and rhymes you used to play/sing in the school yard.
One i used to sing whilst doing a clapping game, (to the tune of the Banana Splits)
One banana, two banana, three banana, four
All bananas fighting in the second world war
One with a tommy gum, one with a stick
And one with a hand grenade hanging from his
La, la, la, lala, la la, la la la lala la laaaaaaahhhhh!!
oh the innocence of youth :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
so fess up on all your daft songs, dirty ditties and playground games!!