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Playing it safe or safe play?

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Hello again
After a good night's rest, I've come back to an email filled with responses to my ad but sadly today's responses are not as good as yesterday's. Today seems to be dedicated to married men looking for some extramarital fun - sorry, not my cup of tea!
Anyway, I spent a pleasant night dreaming of all the possibilities and thinking about my forthcoming date with a member of SH. Then panic set in as the reasoning part of my brain began warning me about possible dangers.
I am sure you have been there yourselves and know what I mean, but for those who are not mind readers here is what it is: safe sex.
What is the general rule or tendency in clubs/parties? Do people engage in sexual activities with barriers (condoms, gloves, latex barrier sheets) or do they just dive in, flesh to flesh? How can you safeguard your health when engaged in swinging and more important, how can you safeguard the health of your partner who is placing his/her trust upon you and your better judgement?
And what about the rooms used for play? Does anyone disinfect them between users? Are there disinfectant wipes and is it up to the players to ensure they clean up before and after?
Please educate me, help me get into swinging without seeming like a total fool to the seasoned players, explain the dos and don'ts to me with regards to safety.
Sex God
At clubs the majority of the sex you see is safe. We have discussed this topic before at length, so if you do a search through the posts you might come across some interesting stuff. No idea about how clubs do their cleaning, but viruses such as HIV can only live for a very short space of time in the air. I believe their facilities are checked by Health and Safety though.
Tania you might want to look in other threads or advice pages, lots of your questions might be answered there already. I dunno, all these questions - do you work for News of the World??
Quote by freckledbird
I dunno, all these questions - do you work for News of the World??

Damn! My cover is blown! Now I won't be getting any sex... *sniff, sniff* lol
Would be nice as a fantasy though... Reporter goes undercover to get story then gets gangbanged at a club and thoroughly enjoys it. People make sure they have loads of pics of her debasement for blackmail purposes and she goes back to the editor empty-handed.
Seriously now, I apologise if my question made you feel edgy and I will search the posts and hopefully find some that mention 'safe sex'.
Quote by Tania
What is the general rule or tendency in clubs/parties? Do people engage in sexual activities with barriers (condoms, gloves, latex barrier sheets) or do they just dive in, flesh to flesh?

Just because you are in the swinging scene doesn't detach you from real life. You don't just need condoms etc if you are swinging, you should always be prepared to use them. I'm off out tonight with "real mates", we are going clubbing up town. If I happen to "pull" I will use a condom. It just has to be done. Having a safe lifestyle is no differnent in the swinging community than it ought to be anywhere else.
Quote by partyman
If I happen to "pull" I will use a condom.

Wow! Do people still go on the pull? I must be missing something in life, only recently I learned from an American that the way to meet people in Britain is to actually stand at the bar because, he claims, if you sit down at a table it means you don't want to be disturbed. And to think of all the frustrating evenings I spent at pubs sitting down because my poor feet hurt! *sigh*
I am telling you people, I need serious help from someone who is mature and knowledgeful.
condoms...condoms american express...never leave home without them
Quote by teppic
condoms...condoms american express...never leave home without them

American Express??? :shock: What brand do you use? confused
I've always referred to them as my "Flexible Friends", which means that they are the contraceptive equivilent of a Mastercard. cool lol
Oh well, one day when I go up in the world, I'll be able to afford to use the American Express Condoms too :lol:
Quote by teppic
condoms...condoms american express...never leave home without them

Always carry condoms................ never get to fucking use them sad wink
I would always use a condom for sex. Haven't really thought about anything else. If someone is sucking my cock, I would not expect to be able to come in her mouth, because that obviously has serious implications for her health.
But people make their own choices, with many using condoms for penetrative sex, but being prepared to let someone come in their mouth. Seems like double standards to me dunno
Quote by HungryP
But people make their own choices, with many using condoms for penetrative sex, but being prepared to let someone come in their mouth. Seems like double standards to me dunno

Quite right! The herpes virus will transmit through oral sex and once you get it, you've got it for life. Not worth the risk. Also something very interesting: you can't tell by looking who's got the virus and who hasn't. A good friend of mine contracted it from her girlfriend and has been devastated ever since.
Quote by Tania
Quite right! The herpes virus will transmit through oral sex and once you get it, you've got it for life. Not worth the risk. Also something very interesting: you can't tell by looking who's got the virus and who hasn't. A good friend of mine contracted it from her girlfriend and has been devastated ever since.

... which proves the benefit of regular checkups at your friendly local clap clinic (or whatever they are called these days), which reminds me...... I will be booking an appointment soon as I intend to do this on a regular basis.
Quote by Tania
But people make their own choices, with many using condoms for penetrative sex, but being prepared to let someone come in their mouth. Seems like double standards to me dunno

Quite right! The herpes virus will transmit through oral sex and once you get it, you've got it for life. Not worth the risk. Also something very interesting: you can't tell by looking who's got the virus and who hasn't. A good friend of mine contracted it from her girlfriend and has been devastated ever since.
Ohhh, some horrible thoughts stem from that...what do you all think...???
If you married a man who contracted Herpes at a young age, would you expect him to wear a condom for the rest of your married life?
How could you protect yourself from infection if you are trying to start a family?
So do you throw all Herpes sufferers into the Leppars colony?
Quote by HungryP
Always carry condoms................ never get to fucking use them sad wink

I've carried condoms around with me for a lot of years now. The one time I actually had an opportunity to use them, though, the lady complained bitterly about how uncomfortable they were, and the distracting squeeking noise they made - I think the accumulation of body heat had over a series of years caused some kind of chemical reaction in the rubber and/or the lube. :shock:
The moral of this story - don't just carry condoms, carry fresh condoms!
Warming the Bed
Warming the Bed
Quote by partyman
If you married a man who contracted Herpes at a young age, would you expect him to wear a condom for the rest of your married life?
How could you protect yourself from infection if you are trying to start a family?
So do you throw all Herpes sufferers into the Leppars colony?

Tough question this one. Would I marry someone who was carrying a disease? Probably not, no matter how much I loved him. Sometimes you have got to steel your heart and go the way your brain tells you. If he had not revealed he was a carrier at the start of the relationship, I would be very angry and would take him to court. It has been done before. And the courts annulled the wedding and ordered compensation to be paid.
Anyway, if two people wanted to procreate but one of them was a sufferer, then they could consult their GP or a specialist about the associated risks and make an informed decision. I am not quite sure about genital herpes but I know oral herpes goes through stages of inflammation and remission. It is not transmittable in quiet periods but then again I am not a doctor and I could be wrong.
At least leprosy can be cured. And if my memory serves me right, it cannot be transmitted from one individual to another via social contact. Herpes can be transmitted through a kiss. It is enough to kiss someone on the cheek or the hand to give them the virus. Hence why some mothers-carriers give it to their babies. Hence why so many people in this country are carriers! I swear to God I have never seen so many people with cold sores, veruccae and toenail fungus as I have seen in this country. It is an epidemic! :uhoh:
Apologies about the seriousness of this post.
Quote by Tania
Apologies about the seriousness of this post.

Its a serious topic, so no need to apologise. biggrin
Quote by chamoix

Chamoix, you may not be aware that on the Internet use of capitals means that someone is shouting........... SO PLEASE DON'T SHOUT smile
Quote by roger743
Always carry condoms................ never get to fucking use them sad wink

The moral of this story - don't just carry condoms, carry fresh condoms!
Always a depressing time, when the condoms are so old that they have to be thrown out.... & you haven't even used any from the box :shock: :shock: :shock:
At least these days I'm not quite that desperate lol
Quote by HungryP
Always a depressing time, when the condoms are so old that they have to be thrown out....

And you think that is frustrating? Imagine me several years ago with a full box of Durex, a willing stud and a flat to ourselves. First condom tears, second condom the same, third one works but then bed collapses. Condom gets discarded. Mattress placed on the floor and try again. Then his older sister comes in unexpectedly and begins shouting whilst writer pretends to be asleep to avoid confrontation. Now thatis frustrating!
Ahhh, the rich taperstry of life. Almost enough to fuel a soap opera on Channel 4 isnt't it?
Now if the troubles with the first 2 condoms had caused him to say "not now dear, I've got a headache" that WOULD have been even MORE frustrating! lol
Quote by Tania
Imagine me...

Well I'm doing my best :wanker:
Quote by Tania
....several years ago with a full box of Durex, a willing stud and a flat to ourselves. First condom tears, second condom the same, third one works but then bed collapses. Condom gets discarded. Mattress placed on the floor and try again. Then his older sister comes in unexpectedly and begins shouting whilst writer pretends to be asleep to avoid confrontation. Now that is frustrating!

rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
So how did the second date go confused:
:giggle: :giggle: :giggle: :giggle:
Quote by HungryP
So how did the second date go confused:
:giggle: :giggle: :giggle: :giggle:

You are not going to believe this! The next (not actually second as I had seen him a few times socially before hitting the sack) date took place in a hotel room. It was great, especially being woken up by soft caresses and kisses the next morning. However, the guy had thought of disposing the used condoms down the sink in the room. IN THE SINK! He removed the plug and pushed it down without my knowledge. Then the next morning we heard strange noises from the pipes in the old hotel building and the next doors neighbours swearing. It seems the condoms had filled with water and blocked the pipes and sewage was sipping into their room through their sink!!! He fetched a colleague of his to undo the plumbing and retrieve the condoms and all the while he was terrified that his boss would find out and fire him. In the end he got more embarrassed trying to hide the fact we had had sex than if he had wrapped the used condoms in paper and disposed of them in the basket in the room.
Interesting topic.
Recently I was in a club with my partner and we swapped partners. The guy of the couple we were with had trouble with the condom and he lost his erection. He asked me if I'd do it without, to which my answer was a firm no. He then asked if I would take it in my ass without. I didn't understand why it would be ok for me to take it in my ass without when I said no to my vagina. It made me think about the reasons some people use condoms, his was blatantly to prevent pregnancy where as mine was to prevent std's and the like.
I am a female but always carry a condom with me because you can't always rely on the man to know where they are or even have some.
Don't you just hate it when they lose their erection whilst trying to get the condom on?!! My lover had this problem and we ended up having unprotected sex for a year... and here's the result: 19 weeks and counting!
Quote by little gem
It made me think about the reasons some people use condoms, his was blatantly to prevent pregnancy where as mine was to prevent std's and the like.

Actually, sounds like he was just hoping your reason was solely for preventing pregnancy - after all, he was also quite happy to go into your little baby-factory uncovered if that was okay with you.
I dont take chances like that Roger! lol
I have had condoms split on me before and thought about stuff long and hard before stepping into the swinging scene fully. I used to be on the pill to make my cycle more regular and never told my boyfriend at the time because I didn't want him to not use a condom. I wanted to be safe rather than sorry. For this reason I went back on them as I don't want to be playing with someone and have the protection split and be left having to do emergency contraception.
Maybe you are right about his perceptions of why I wanted to use protection, maybe thats why he thought it would be ok in my ass. Although I have been asked by people before about anal without as if it a normal thing!
There is no excuse for not carrying condoms. Period. Take risks with your own life and wellbeing if you have to, but don't endanger others.
The problem is that this is England, where sex isn't supposed to exist, where it is brushed under the carpet, where it is sorded, depraving corrupting and all of don't get educated about it nearly enough. Yes some of us know what condoms are for, and we wonder why the rest of the people don't know, or even how they can not know...but the fact is that ignorance prevails. Witness the teenage pregnancy statistics.
Only today I saw some lunchtime Channel 4 program with Tony Blair in amongst a bunch of kids, and the subject of sex eduacation came up, and everyone condemned the state of it. These were 16 & 17 year old kids who throughout their school life, on average had had an aggregate total of 2 hours of sex education in their schools, and who openly complained about what they don't know and what they haven't been prepared for. STD's and Contraception were a main grievance points.
If it's that bad for todays kids, imagine how bad it was for someone in an older generation. Education needs to be improved for all. Just like TV adverts for tampons, once , now common place have beome acceptable, so adverts for condoms should be on telly to bring the things out into the open and to promote their usage. Additionally, clubs should have them available for free (like they do on in Dutch or German clubs), and not charge the price of a Gin & Tonic for one, because to some people, that equation will also play on the mind.
Warming the Bed
If you are really woried about being on the scene and keeping safe use condoms and go to the GUM clinic on a regular basis., you can have a routine screen anytime whether you think you have a problem or not. They know whats going around in which areas and tell you how to avoid it. And the condoms are free. They dont judge you for your lifestyle, they just look out for your health like any health care service.
Quote by Tania
Don't you just hate it when they lose their erection whilst trying to get the condom on?!!

redface Its not something we do just to frustrate you, you know :shock: :shock: :shock: wink