I just panic round about ..............NOW!!
Thanks Louise!!:lol2:
i knew someone was going to mention it soon, but in August?
I'll go to Boots on Christmas eve lol. That's soon enough.
Stileto has already bought most of the nephews & nieces & started wrapping for christmas already :crazy: .
Infact she's that pleased with herself she actually bought some gifts early December last year for this year :smug: .
Me i'll just go shopping in the last week & grab something for her as shes a terrible poker & prodder & question asker if she sees her present before christmas :doh:
saving it for christmas now!!!
So just where is this Mrs Shah's? If its down t' road it can't be far from me. Sounds as though it would be erm more thrifty than Boots.
that's the spirit... but nooo... NOT the christmas spirit...oh no!