Hi All,
I am not sure if this is the correct forum for this, but I have been made aware by friends in the LGBT community that there is currently an attrocious law being passed in Russia to make the word 'gay' and all it's associations illegal. I know that this doens't relate directly to swinging but it does speak about a shared ethos that people should have the right to live their lives in whatever way they want, without shame.
This is an attrocious violation of basic human rights and a transgression against any sense of common or moral decency.
I thought as members of a liberal society, regardless of your personal persuasion that we would all support the rights of consenting adults to do whatever on earth they want to do.
Here is a link to the petition to sign opposing it - it is slowly having some impact but this has not hit any media that I have seen, and trust me I read a lot.
Please sign the petition to show your support for equality. As a happoy and proud and out Bi woman I personally would really appreciate it.
Please spread the message as well.
Thanks for reading - here is the link:
(You will have to copy and paste this into your browser).
Thanks Amber xxxxxxxxxx
to be honest i am suprised at this, seeing as there are far more important things for peeple to put there names to, like.
i have signed this petition as have many others i know, but it is the only petition i will be signing i would think. :notes:
Having looked at the link in the OP and researched a little more on the subject, it would appear that the title of this thread is a little misleading.
The city of St Petersburg are attempting to pass a bill banning the promotion of homosexuality and also . Not quite the same as making homosexuality illegal.
Russia decriminalized homosexuality in 1993, and removed it from a list of mental illnesses in 1999.
But I did not put a petition up, nor did I direct people towards one, I simply said that we would support the petition that someone else had asked us too, and for that I suddenly became a "save the world campaigner"
The cafe (according to the site owners) is for the discussion of anything, so I will never chastise or criticise anyone for starting a topic on any subject, I might choose to ignore the subject but accept thier right to post them.
Sasha is still dissapointed in the move to make it harder for gay people especially in St Petersburg the town of her birth, I have never been there but she says much of the oppression in the City and Russia starts with a small move such as making it against the law to promote homosexuality.
In this country we are practically the opposite, if you were to apply for planning permission to open a sex shop or swingers club in your home town you could be refused permission on the grounds of the very nature of the business besides the normal parking, noise, traffic reasoning, The Council can refuse the permit on the grounds "we don't want that sort of thing here", if you apply to open a Gay Sauna or club those reasons cannot be used because the Gay movement went through the courts to make Gay sex between consenting adults legal, nobody has ever gone to court for the same approval of hetrosexual sex which means it is actually more legal to have gay sex than it is to have sex between man and woman in the UK, meaning that the council has no right to simply say "we don't want that here" when dealing with venues for gays. This petition seems to be against the opposite of that.
At the end of the day it is not a big issue to us simply something we would have time to support so would support
I've got no axe to grind with Amnesty International any which way Starlight. I ignored the link because it's completely irrelevant to the ridiculous false argument you made in your previous post where you expressed your support for the persecution of people solely for their beliefs, that's all.
The phrase is 'give 'em enough rope' .....
In a country where the people of residence are seemingly unable to gain access to a fare vote, I can not see the the signing of a petition by outsiders will help anyone much