What do I care! I have looooooads to choose from, yes thats it...er......loads :uhoh:
*dances around the room a bit*
I got my first unsolicited PM about half an hour ago. Form a total stranger. Kewel.
Remind me about this when I am moaning about getting too many, ok?
Like most, I get the odd unsolicited one-liner which I used to reply to politely but now I just delete them.
I love getting PM's 'cos I'm obviously an insecure emotional car-crash type that depends on the attention of others to justify my existence.
OK, so I like to flirt!
I rarely send PM's to people I don't know but if I do, it's to offer my respect, support or admiration for a particular post they have made, or to enquire about something they've posted but may be too private to discuss on the Forum.
I very, very rarely get an unsolicited PM............
I can`t work out why.... :twisted:
She does that on her day off from cleaning the men's toilets Neil
I don`t go into mens toilets anymore. Last time I did that I found one of these.....
It scared me. :scared:
With. Damn near had an eye out it did! :shock:
nothing wrong with unsolicited pm's, if we all waited until asked, i think life would get very dull... cos no bugger could pm any bugger.
you can't be rainbows, my old man's the grumpiest old swinger in town :twisted:
(now i'm getting outta here before he sees this)