I have had this silly idea in my head for a while ( I knew that would surprise you !!) and Alexandra's thread about losing all her PMs has prompted me to share it with you now.
I am sure you all agree that it is nice to receive a PM every now and then. Well just imagine someones delight if they were to sign on an find they had 20 PMs waiting for them !! :shock: :shock:
What I am suggesting is that every now and then we pick one of the members of the site and all of us send them a PM. They could be selected randomly or you could nominate someone if you thought they would appreciate being this weeks PM Person.
The first person to receive this dubious honour is obviously going to be Alex, seeing as she has just lost all her PMs. I would ask you all now, as soon as you have read this, to just send her a quick PM, even if it is just to say hello, and especially if you have never PM'd her before. :lol: :lol: