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PMT. In need of a massage ;)

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Hi everyone wave My first ever poll.......... if it goes wrong..... I'm hormonal right now!
I've come back and trawled the archives to see what has been going on since my departure at the end of Decmeber. I found a rather interesting thread about PMT and when we all suffer it.
So are we all in sync?And what is the best cure or relief for pmt? My fave has to be a hot bath, a cuddle and a massage.
I am on the pill so can choose when to have a period. I have chosen this week as I am busy next weekend. I don't get pmt that often, but when I do.............. gosh I'm so dizzy and poor at making decisions!
Right now my PMT is raging and I have become very bad at making choices, I'm sure by the time I will have posted this I'll be toying with deleting it!
Yesterday I raided the chocolate stash for the first time in months and right now I am about to cry, bite, laugh, need cuddles and bounce around, all at the same time redface
Anyway, must stop rambling!
Sex God
I get PMT DMT and AMT (pre, during and after) I'm just thankful for the 9 months off lol
Have some hugs from me and a virtual massage. I hope you're feeling more 'with it' soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Aww little gem!
Mines are on the way! Mines falls on the 13th and alst 5 days!!! :cry: . 5 days of pure and utter pain!!
Thanks for the cuddles!
What do you do to relieve the symptoms? I think I need to try something new! lol
Something I can do on my own as there isn't always someone around to give me back rubs and cuddles. sad
Sex God
:cry: :cry: :cry: i get pmt the week before and mine ususally falls around about the 11th. Here too I get horrendous pain - i swear pregnancy and childbirth was easier.
However, in an attempt to foil mother nature I had the coil fitted last month and so far I haven't stopped bleeding sad Bit of a git really as now I have no PMT but I'm as grumpy as f*ck because we can't have sex and so far no end is in sight :cry: :cry: :cry:
Doesn't help that I suffer from anaemia and have an allergy to Iron - my haemo count is very low and is triggering all sorts of illnesses :( :(
Quote by little gem
Thanks for the cuddles!
What do you do to relieve the symptoms? I think I need to try something new! lol
Something I can do on my own as there isn't always someone around to give me back rubs and cuddles. sad

Duvet, sofa, and flinging cold coffee over a nasty teen when she pushes me.
Worked for me anyway.......maybe not for the PC, keyboard and ceiling at the time, but we`ll ignore that wink
Hugs to you pet.
I get mine about a month beforehand wink
PMT :- Pre Munch Tension Luv it smile
I had the Contraceptive Implant fitted a few months ago and things are still settling down..............did have quite a bit of PMT and "spotting" a while back but that all seems to be happening less and less :happy:
I find watching funny films and plenty of cuddles (and making love) helps me most when I've got PMT.
Charlotte xx
Perhaps we could set up a back rub rota? At the beginning of each month, the ladies tell us the date they are most likely in need of a back rub and TLC and us guys (only the nice single ones, mind!!) get allocated a lady in their area!! Non sexual, cos we know you are poorly sad !
The ladies' saviour, yet again!! lol
<<Calista>> hugs for you too petal.
Venus I need a teenager and to drink coffee, two things which I don't want very much right now, so I think I'll skip your magic cure. Although maybe you coule think happy thoughts for me while doing that. smile
I get post munch tension too Fred! lol All adds to the excitement I think! Sometimes I'm incredibley nervous at parties and munches. Terrified at the last one! :lol: Nervous about the next one already!
Love making you say Charlotte??? well....... hmmm, in that case....... any offers???
I'm going to regret saying that aren't I!
Mal.......... tomorrow is Tuesday :rascal: hint hint nudge nudge..... if you're free can I be the first to sample these back rubs you speak of? biggrin
Quote by little gem
I'm going to regret saying that aren't I!

I very much doubt it wink
:bounce: OOOoooo sounds good........
Venus, you wouldn't be tempting me to flirt excessively now would you? biggrin
Is that a good cure for pmt too?
Sex God
Quote by mal609
Perhaps we could set up a back rub rota? At the beginning of each month, the ladies tell us the date they are most likely in need of a back rub and TLC and us guys (only the nice single ones, mind!!) get allocated a lady in their area!! Non sexual, cos we know you are poorly sad !
The ladies' saviour, yet again!! lol

What I would like to know who is in this back rubbing rota first, before I say I want to join in :twisted: :twisted:
Well, so far there is me, me and of course, me!! lol however, I'm sure by the end of the night, the list will be growing!!
Quote by little gem
:bounce: OOOoooo sounds good........
Venus, you wouldn't be tempting me to flirt excessively now would you? biggrin
Is that a good cure for pmt too?

Of course it is LittleGem lol :lol: :lol:
Week before have no pain just total paranoia -though some people think I have PMT for at least 3 weeks of the month :shock: :shock: :shock: hahahaha. Oh I really feel for women who have pain as I am sure that is worse than the paranoia so hold on in there
Love Corriexxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Quote by mal609
Well, so far there is me, me and of course, me!! lol however, I'm sure by the end of the night, the list will be growing!!

I'll give some backrubs if needed, aparently I have a knack for it.
the way I tend to deal with pmt is to run a nice hot bath and then go to the pub, that way the pmt is at home with the raging woman in the bath! of course, I've not suffered it for a while as there is currently no mrs lucy sad :cry: :cry:
Well you and I have discussed this at some length in private Gem, but at the moment, my PMT week is the 3rd week of the month. The PMT itself is manageable but the pain of the actual period is horrendous :cry: (I've been found scrunched up into a ball on my landing before now in tears of agony and unable to move) and they tend to last anywhere between 6 and 9 days evil
However, my consultant tells me I'm an ideal candidate for a hysterectomy so that's planned for within the next few months. Means I'll be "out of action" for about 2 months (not that I'm actually getting any at the moment anyway lol), but then I won't have to suffer the pain ever again :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
You know I sympathise totally with you, so if Mal's unavailable for massage duties you only need to ask ;)
Quote by little gem
:bounce: OOOoooo sounds good........
Venus, you wouldn't be tempting me to flirt excessively now would you? biggrin
Is that a good cure for pmt too?

Is there such a thing as excessive flirting?! dunno
Ooooo AC, come here passionkiss
lol our little pmt chats. We used to have the same cycle until I started on the pill. It was cool being in sync because the conversation would be so in tune it was untrue. I wish you loads of luck with your op. I know I'll be coming to repay the back rub offer when you're out of hospital chick ;)
Right well seeing as Venus has just decided that excessive flirting doesn't exsist, it is all her fault for the monster she has just unleashed! biggrin
Lucy, great avatar, is that your bottom, because it looks very nibbleable ;)
A big kiss to all ladies who suffer with their periods. confused
Sex God
Quote by Angel Chat
Well you and I have discussed this at some length in private Gem, but at the moment, my PMT week is the 3rd week of the month. The PMT itself is manageable but the pain of the actual period is horrendous :cry: (I've been found scrunched up into a ball on my landing before now in tears of agony and unable to move) and they tend to last anywhere between 6 and 9 days evil
However, my consultant tells me I'm an ideal candidate for a hysterectomy so that's planned for within the next few months. Means I'll be "out of action" for about 2 months (not that I'm actually getting any at the moment anyway lol), but then I won't have to suffer the pain ever again :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
You know I sympathise totally with you, so if Mal's unavailable for massage duties you only need to ask ;)

Similar story here Angel - I went for years believing it to be endometriosis and the op I had in the summer had completely ruled it out - they can find no cause for the pain whatsoever sad I can barely get out of bed when the pain comes and have often been found curled in pain biting into a toilet roll trying hard not to scream - one of my daughters is convinced that this is now normal :( and she is dreading her own periods starting.
The coil I had fitted is a last ditch attempt to stop the problem but so far the signs aren't good :( if this fails then a hysterectomy is my only option and at 32 I'm not a candidate. My doc actually told me to keep dosing up with painkillers until I'm about 36 - 38 and ten I'll be considered - so f*ck your liver up first and we'll then consider you :(
C xx
Quote by mal609
Perhaps we could set up a back rub rota? At the beginning of each month, the ladies tell us the date they are most likely in need of a back rub and TLC and us guys (only the nice single ones, mind!!) get allocated a lady in their area!! Non sexual, cos we know you are poorly sad !
The ladies' saviour, yet again!! lol

rotflmao @ ladies saviour! :rotflmao:
mal, i'm liking that little brainwave A LOT! perhaps a new section in the ads . . Ladies seeking backrubs? or praps a stickie in lets meet up? dunno
neilinleeds - expert aromatherapy back rubbererer type person biggrin
Quote by Calista
I can barely get out of bed when the pain comes and have often been found curled in pain biting into a toilet roll trying hard not to scream - one of my daughters is convinced that this is now normal sad and she is dreading her own periods starting.

:scared: That is rough on both of you.
Quote by Calista
Well you and I have discussed this at some length in private Gem, but at the moment, my PMT week is the 3rd week of the month. The PMT itself is manageable but the pain of the actual period is horrendous :cry: (I've been found scrunched up into a ball on my landing before now in tears of agony and unable to move) and they tend to last anywhere between 6 and 9 days evil
However, my consultant tells me I'm an ideal candidate for a hysterectomy so that's planned for within the next few months. Means I'll be "out of action" for about 2 months (not that I'm actually getting any at the moment anyway lol), but then I won't have to suffer the pain ever again :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
You know I sympathise totally with you, so if Mal's unavailable for massage duties you only need to ask ;)

Similar story here Angel - I went for years believing it to be endometriosis and the op I had in the summer had completely ruled it out - they can find no cause for the pain whatsoever sad I can barely get out of bed when the pain comes and have often been found curled in pain biting into a toilet roll trying hard not to scream - one of my daughters is convinced that this is now normal :( and she is dreading her own periods starting.
The coil I had fitted is a last ditch attempt to stop the problem but so far the signs aren't good :( if this fails then a hysterectomy is my only option and at 32 I'm not a candidate. My doc actually told me to keep dosing up with painkillers until I'm about 36 - 38 and ten I'll be considered - so f*ck your liver up first and we'll then consider you :(
C xx
I get a sore back, cramps, migraines, I get really down(I cry at everything, literally :shock: ) and I am a major bitch!!! Mr Naughty is like sarge in the trenches when its my unlucky week!!! He ducks for cover everytime I move in his direction!!!!!
I'm only 23 and have no children so the whip it all out option I find a little harsh right now. Hugs for all those who have to bite down on things to cope. Paracetamol is my new friend! biggrin
Quote by neilinleeds
rotflmao @ ladies saviour! :rotflmao:
mal, i'm liking that little brainwave A LOT! perhaps a new section in the ads . . Ladies seeking backrubs? or praps a stickie in lets meet up? dunno
neilinleeds - expert aromatherapy back rubbererer type person :D

smackbottom I don't see you jumping to our aid Mr. inleeds! :D Mal selflessly offered to rub us all up very kindly, now jump on the band wagon why don't ya! ;) Oh you did offer............. in that case...........
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
I think I shall have to test your skills of expert aromatherapy back rubbererer thingies before letting you loose on the general female population of SH ;)
So, what you doing tomorrow, just incase Mal cancels on me? ;)
(does this count as shamlessly tarting too Venus?I think I need flirting tips as well as pmt coping tips! )
Gem, it's tonight, not tomorrow!!
But I'm willing to rub backs and forego my own pleasure, if that's what's needed!! lol
So selfless!! :lol:
women...its all in the pain really....just an excuse to have a couple of days off work and to have a moan at a few blokes...... innocent :whistling: bolt
Sex God
Quote by deancannock
women...its all in the pain really....just an excuse to have a couple of days off work and to have a moan at a few blokes...... innocent :whistling: bolt

mad :x :x :x glad to be the source of a joke for you
Quote by deancannock
women...its all in the pain really....just an excuse to have a couple of days off work and to have a moan at a few blokes...... innocent :whistling: bolt

DeanCannock, 39.....single......cannock
R.I.P. mad :censored: :twisted:
Quote by mal609
Gem, it's tonight, not tomorrow!!
But I'm willing to rub backs and forego my own pleasure, if that's what's needed!! lol
So selfless!! :lol:

Dogging, dogging :shock: you want to take us bloody dogging! :shock:
What time and can I get some tips from missy about being invisible before I give my final agreement! :lol:
Dean Cannock, watch it mate. The last person to take the piss out of a woman while she had PMT was fed to Jags for breakie! :lol:
The left overs were finished off by bluexxx
(ok so I elaborated......... spank me :twisted: )