I have just looked at me calender and it says do not go in to the café!.............
....its pmt time!................. .so i am off!

Catch you all soon!

love ya
Debbiewebs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :rose:
Quote by Alex_Female
Debbie, you have just read my mind!! I have no need to look at my calendar as I have tender breasts coupled with feeling irritable!
Dave_Notts had his head ripped off the other day just for phoning me whilst I was getting ready (sorry yet again Dave_Notts, I hope the 2 hour BJ made up for it).
Does anyone have any cures for PMT?
Quote by JudyTV
PMT is just another way to
P unish
M en
T oday
Quote by Alexandra
I didn't think the coil stopped PMT. Mind you perhaps technology has advanced since I had mine (over 12 years ago)..
I had a 'hysericalectomy' a few years ago - Now that was tremendous!
No periods
No PMT!!!!!!
Quote by Alexandra
I didn't think the coil stopped PMT. Mind you perhaps technology has advanced since I had mine (over 12 years ago)..
I had a 'hysericalectomy' a few years ago - Now that was tremendous!
No periods
No PMT!!!!!!
Quote by Calista
I didn't think the coil stopped PMT. Mind you perhaps technology has advanced since I had mine (over 12 years ago)..
I had a 'hysericalectomy' a few years ago - Now that was tremendous!
No periods
No PMT!!!!!!
Quote by JudyTV
I didn't think the coil stopped PMT. Mind you perhaps technology has advanced since I had mine (over 12 years ago)..
I had a 'hysericalectomy' a few years ago - Now that was tremendous!
No periods
No PMT!!!!!!
Quote by Alexandra
Well Debs
All I can say is it is great! I can't remember when I last had PMT. Still get tender boobs about once a month but that is the only hormonal downside. And as for periods............ can't remember what they are like now! No more planning things around the monthly cycle - it is wonderful!
Hugs, Alex x x
Quote by Alexandra
Actually Debs - whatever you do - think very carefully.
I may have sounded flippant about the Op.
Remember there is a risk associated with invasive surgery of any kind.
Only ever do it on the advice of your doctor!
Hugs, Alex x x