I think that my local police officer needs a bit more training in how not to worry the residents. He gave me a phone call this morning and the conversation went like this:
PC- "Hello Dave, It is PC ???????? the local beat manager"
D_N- "Good morning PC ???????"
PC- "We are just conducting a survey on residents concerns regarding the trial of the shooters ofVictoria" (The young girl who was shot and killed in Nottingham)
D_N- "Oh sure, fire away"
PC- "What are your perceptions on the tension in your locality"
(I live in the area where one of the alledged shooters lives)
D_N- "Well we have heard nothing really. There has not really been much talk about it since the trial began"
PC- "Oh well............it could be the lull before the storm"
D_N- "What storm?"
PC- "Never mind......thank you for answering my question"
So.......I wasn't worried before.........but I am now worried about the "storm" that is coming :shock: . I think he needs training in not frightening the shit out of the people on his beat