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Polyamoury Vs Swinging

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I know that polyamoury has been discussed before - and I have added my bit to those threads in the past - but I was just wandering what the experience was from people here who may have had polyamourous relationships and gone back to swinging or vice versa?
I joined here almost a year ago and have had some damn good times with some wonderful people on this forum. No names mentioned but - yeah GREAT times wink biggrin . But I also met a couple through the ads on here, who I have been seeing now for almost a year - and it has become more of a poly relationship than anything else. To be honest - I am very happy with them and do feel like I am in a relationship with them, and that swinging outside of that relationship would be "cheating". Has anyone else experienced this?
Any advice/Comments much welcome!
:color: aRSexxx
Hmmmmmm, interesting topic... and I was just about to log off and go to bed :haha:
I kind of had a poly relationship years ago when my ex and I had an open relationship. My ex and I weren't swingers though - I was interested but he wouldn't do it, but we were free to seek sex with others on our own. I started seeing a bloke and that developed into a relationship that lasted over a year. I used to stay at his house a couple of times a week he used to stay at mine. He became a friend of the family, to the point were my dad commented one day, "Three's obviously not a crowd in this house...." redface surprisedops: :oops: lol That relationship finished when I kinda got bored and started seeing someone else, and for a short while I had three on the go..... it got a bit much :grin: . But none of those relationships were exclusive.... one guy was married :oops: , and the other shagged around like a bunny rabbit on steroids :grin:
Nowadays I couldn't imagine myself getting into a situation like that, though I wouldn't rule it out if the right people came along. Although I have made loads of friends through swinging that I see quite regularly in sexual and non sexual contexts, I do not have a strong emotional attachment to any of them as is the case when in a relationship. I think any proper poly relationship takes far more involvement than I am prepared to give. I admire anyone in a poly relationship but I prefer carefree swinging :grin: :lol:
Quote by bluexxx
Although I have made loads of friends through swinging that I see quite regularly in sexual and non sexual contexts, I do not have a strong emotional attachment to any of them as is the case when in a relationship. I think any proper poly relationship takes far more involvement than I am prepared to give.

I think that is the thing here - there IS a strong emotional attachment, I for them and them for me - but it is very new for all of us. It feels right - but strange. But I think the "strange" bit is only becuase it isn't "normal" as perceived by society. I have enjoyed my swinging relationships, but, unlikeyou Bluexxx I feel something is missing without the emotional attachment. But, then again - I have really enjoyed the experiences I have had - and wouldn't trade the friends I have made for anything!!! And I miss sleeping with some of them :twisted:
:color: aRSexxxx
are not all these words all just labels,forgive me if i`m wrong.
but as long as your happy with as many partners as you want yourself,then thats all that matters.
are you really asking can you feel heart felt thoughts for more than one person?
Lables are good - if not overused - they promote self understanding and allow you to organise confused and disparate wishes into an achievable reality.
There are many on here who find some level of emotional attachment as an essential part of their swinging, others feel the same about emotionally 'detached' swinging.
When there is some level of emotional attachment, there is always a risk of possesiveness, if not outright jealousy, developing. Swinging should probably be about being able to care enough about a person that ego is put aside, and you can relax in the simple enjoyment of someone elses pleasure.
But then, it is not a perfect world. All relationships involve some level of compromise, and swinging relationships are no different. I can't say that Kit and I have ever encountered any level of posseiveness that made us uncomfortable. It may be that this is something that is more of a risk for the single swinger joining a couple?
We met a couple about 4 years ago and at first was very happy with them and not that we agreed not to meet others but we saw them regular and it just happened that we never saw anyone else, then one day they asked us if we all wanted to move into a big house together, the woman from the couple couldn't have children and she offered to help bring up ours :shock:
thats when we realised it was maybe best not to see them again, and to be honest its a situation that i have made a point of never being in again, i think swinging is just that and tho its nice to make friends thats all i am after smile
Well, we came to swinging via poly, and I think that there's a lot of overlap between the two areas - after all many swingers like to have some emotional contact between partners, and some poly people I've known are more likely to be found on the swinging scene.
This is just another example of labelling, as far as I'm concerned - sexuality is a continuum, and a lot of people fall into an area of that continuum where the definite labels of swinging or poly don't necessarily apply.
Obviously, people change, and they may move about a bit on that continuum, so sometimes they feel more poly, and sometimes they feel more swingy. Or sometimes, they may label themselves as 'swinger', only to find that they like the emotional side of things so much that they can redefine themselves as poly - as Rainbows appears to have done - (or, of course, it may happen the other way).
If anyone is thinking about poly, googling 'uk' and 'poly' will get you some results. I organise a London poly group - PM me, if anyone wants further advice.
I have spent a couple of days thinking about this thead, not sure whether to reply or not but here goes nothing.
We spent most of last year in a relationship with another couple, it got pretty intense and as you say when we swung with other soutside of the relationship it felt very much like cheating. The other couple didnt meet anyone else at all and werent aware we did. The came to us for the summer holiday last summer and we had planned to do a holiday abroad this year.........
However when the situation arose that we couldnt make one of our meets - I had started work, hubby had just had a testicular biopsy - and yes it as sore as it sounds - and I had a colpsocopy the situation with this other couple turned really ugly.
They sent us a really horrid email abusing us and slating our performance in bed etc.
The result was that for a very long time e definately couldnt swing again - although I like many others continued to use the site for the community of people I am lucky enough to call friends - and it actually made us bitter for a while.
So I guess what I am saying is enjoy the wonderfulness of your situation but please bear in mind people change and things are contiuosly moving along.
All the best
Is Polyamoury the next village to Balamory????????????
equi-princess xxx
I've been in love with more than one person at once while swinging and my goodness it can be difficult to get the emotions in line..... The whole are you a couple/ are you not a couple thing blurrs so many boundaries within the relationship you have that it can become very complicated if you're not honest with each other.... Things like what are you allowed to do? what do you seek permision for and who with? Am I cheating if I go with this couple without telling xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx about what I am doing? Will they be hurt if they found out and I didn't tell them? etc..... so many questions that only you'll have the answer to, some will be found out only after having made the mistakes.
And on a side note... how easy it is to give others advice but not have taken it yourself. I wasn't honest and I don't think in my situation I should have been as it would have caused way more complications than the whole thing needed at the time.
Good luck with whatever path you chose to walk rainbows and know I for one wish you all the best (&miss you being on here too)
Gem. x
One of the things that the poly community always advise is discussion of issues with total honesty and openness. Things are only going to get complicated if you're hiding aspects of yourself and your relationships from other people who are involved with you. Little lies turn into big ones - and before you know it, people are exploding all over the place!
This is one of the reasons why 'poly' is so hard to do. Not many people have the experience in dealing with more than one person in a relationship, and not many people are actually very good at being totally honest - and also, some people are not very good at hearing the truth!
I would certainly advise honesty, and lots of talking, in any poly relationship - it's the only way to make sure that everyone knows where they stand, and leads to less complications.
Yeah, I wanted to be completely truthful but it's difficult sometimes... its the whole "does my bum look big in this?" kinda thing.... do you go....OMG thats' fecking hideous get it off you... or a more gentle approach of well I prefered the other one. dunno
I am too nice sometimes and I don't want others to get hurt. In this case it prevented mucho hurt to keep stum and sort things out in my own back yard before storming into everyone else's yard to tidy their mess too.
While honesty is the best policy "white lies" to save feelings sometimes at that moment in time seem the better option. Thats why I said about giving advice but rarely following it... although now I kind of don't know how I would have handled the situation as it all worked good in this very particular case. I see your point about being honest about things, however you're coming from a background in poly stuff where as my situation sprung from the swinging scene... very different ball game, one of which I am trying not to talk about to openly as I am aprivate person and don't want everyone knowing the in, outs and whereabouts of everything.
Gem. x
Quote by equi-princess
Is Polyamoury the next village to Balamory????????????
equi-princess xxx

No, Pollyamory (note there is no 'u') is a particular branch of 'bird-love', whereas Polyamory is the excited feeling you get from the static in your underpants made of a synthetic material.
Quote by marmalaid
Is Polyamoury the next village to Balamory????????????
equi-princess xxx

No, Pollyamory (note there is no 'u') is a particular branch of 'bird-love', whereas Polyamory is the excited feeling you get from the static in your underpants made of a synthetic material.
Damn! I knew I was doing something wrong - it's been so long - where do I buy underpants? biggrin
Quote by marmalaid
[Pollyamory (note there is no 'u')

I'd just like to point out that the 'u' is for Brits, and the non-u varieties are for upstanding US citizens (who can't spell)!
Quote by phil_osopher
Is Polyamoury the next village to Balamory????????????
equi-princess xxx

No, Pollyamory (note there is no 'u') is a particular branch of 'bird-love', whereas Polyamory is the excited feeling you get from the static in your underpants made of a synthetic material.
Damn! I knew I was doing something wrong - it's been so long - where do I buy underpants? biggrin
Quote by marmalaid

Sorry 'bout that. Must try harder. redface
Quote by marmalaid
Sorry 'bout that. Must try harder. redface

s'alright, divers are exempt from correct spelling - it's something to do with all that excess nitrogen! wink
I was at a conference a few months ago and I attended a talk given about polyamoury (however it is spelt) by someone who was in a polyamourous relationship. I did talk about it on another thread, asking people if they had ever heard of the special terminology that people on poly newsgroups, as they could be applied to swinging relatioships too. People on here didn't seem to have heard of them, so I assume that poly people have kept their terms to themselves. I can't remember the terms now and I would root out the thread if I had more time. Anyways, that talk did make me think as some of what she was talking about (trust etc) was very relevant to swinging couples too even if they do not strike up actual relationship with those they swing with.
Anyways, waffling now... but just saying again what an interesting topic this is :P
Quote by bluexxx
I was at a conference a few months ago and I attended a talk given about polyamoury (however it is spelt) by someone who was in a polyamourous relationship. I did talk about it on another thread, asking people if they had ever heard of the special terminology that people on poly newsgroups, as they could be applied to swinging relatioships too. People on here didn't seem to have heard of them, so I assume that poly people have kept their terms to themselves. I can't remember the terms now and I would root out the thread if I had more time. Anyways, that talk did make me think as some of what she was talking about (trust etc) was very relevant to swinging couples too even if they do not strike up actual relationship with those they swing with.

I imagine that was Meg's talk which got all of the media attention back then, and incidentally, 'outed' one of her partners - don't you just love the media?
Meg's terminology is pretty much Meg's own group terminology - it's not used by too many people (you can almost count the 'out' poly people in the UK on the fingers and toes of a foursome anyway!). I guess the terms themselves can be useful though.
It's always been my opinion that swinging and poly are just two sides of the same coin - swinging is sex with more than one person, with added friendliness - poly is sex with more than one person, with added love.
The only difference is where you draw the line between friendliness and love.
Blue is was wibblers and wobblers and something else.....
Sounds like an evening in with your Vodka Jelly! lol
Quote by phil_osopher

Sorry 'bout that. Must try harder. redface

s'alright, divers are exempt from correct spelling - it's something to do with all that excess nitrogen! wink
Leave my embolism out of this!
Do you know that if you type Polyamoury into Google this comes out top!!!!!!! Flucking hell!!
Anyway - thanks to all who answered & gave advice. Someone said to me that I should beware becuase things can change very quickly. Well - the way I see it - the same applies to ANY relationship! People seem quick to jump on unconventional relationships when they break up and say "told you so" - but never say that when "conventional" relationships do the same!
Thanks to those who said honestly is paramount. I believe that that is how it should be in ANY relationship. Am I naive? Probably. That's probably why none of my "conventional" relationships have gotten past a year. I am too damn honest.
Who knows where this particular journey in my life will lead. I am not really too bothered to be honest. I have learnt to live in today and enjoy today and I shall continue to do just that in this relationship. A year ago when I joined SH as a very non experienced swinger (which I remain! - well kinda. Sort of a little more experienced :P ) some would have said to me that I was going down a path of immoral distruction. Well it didn't lead there did it! It lead me to friends and a welcoming community. I welcome the new world that this new experience may bring me. I know that to date it has brought me more love, affection and a feeling of belonging than I have experienced. I will never regret it. And I am not that naive that I believe it will last forever.
Anyway - I'd just like to thank all of you who responded kiss
aRSexx :color:
Quote by Rainbows
Do you know that if you type Polyamoury into Google this comes out top!!!!!!! Flucking hell!!
aRSexx :color:

Ahem, Rainbows, that may be partly because it's more often spelt "polyamory", although not always. Your spelling brings up 12,000 results in google, but the other spelling brings up 528,000, so don't miss the results of the more common spelling. The website is an especially valuable resource, I followed posts avidly for a period a few years ago when it was newsgroup
Mike xx
Quote by marmalaid
Is Polyamoury the next village to Balamory????????????
equi-princess xxx

No, Pollyamory (note there is no 'u') is a particular branch of 'bird-love', whereas Polyamory is the excited feeling you get from the static in your underpants made of a synthetic material.
rotflmao loon
Polly...aaaaah........aaaaah......tchooo! Everybody runs!!!
Quote by equi-princess
Is Polyamoury the next village to Balamory????????????
equi-princess xxx

Yep; it's just up the yellow brick road from how you drive Noddy,& don't run over Harvey the rabbit.
Let's all be :silly: ,and keep this one going,eh?........or we could just go back to the thread.
Could it be called Clique swinging?
There are comments made about clubs being clique-y which makes me wonder at the Ground rules set between People involved in an inter emotionally involved relationship,or a group of nsa swingers that play within their own group ranks within a club.
The nsa group i can understand, because just as we all have a close circle of friends around us that we socialize with on the outside , so it can be with club swinging which a newbie would pick up on,and feel left out .In time they might form their own group of trusted friends, and perhaps just stick with them, or integrate with the regulars.
I feel the ground rules of emotionally group involved people are set on shifting sands that can lead to extra complications, and eventual failure.
Think i'll stick with nsa swinging.
Quote by cc_7up
There are comments made about clubs being clique-y which makes me wonder at the Ground rules set between People involved in an inter emotionally involved relationship,or a group of nsa swingers that play within their own group ranks within a club.
The nsa group i can understand, because just as we all have a close circle of friends around us that we socialize with on the outside , so it can be with club swinging which a newbie would pick up on,and feel left out .In time they might form their own group of trusted friends, and perhaps just stick with them, or integrate with the regulars.
I feel the ground rules of emotionally group involved people are set on shifting sands that can lead to extra complications, and eventual failure.
Think i'll stick with nsa swinging.

Well, as far as I can see, all groups are going to have very similar dynamics - I found out this weekend that two friends of mine in the same (non-poly) group are actually seeing each other (romantically speaking) and no-one knew before this weekend. But... nothing has changed - nobody is treating them any differently. The 'ground rules' for poly groups are no different than ordinary social groups. We don't treat people differently if they make or break whatever ties they have.
In one sense, poly people are going to be more stable under these conditions. We know that relationships arise, and they can fail to work out. In many ordinary social groups, this can lead to one or both of the people involved dropping out of the social group. In poly groups, all parties generally keep on coming along to social events if relationships fail, because we understand that 'relationship failure' is just the end of a relationship with one person, and not necessarily the end of the relationship with other parties in the group.
Poly is certainly 'harder to do', and I wouldn't recommend it to people who are unable or unwilling to put in the work to maintain relationships - I wouldn't say that all attempts at poly relationships necessarily lead to 'extra complications and eventual failure' - However, perhaps eventual failure is on the cards for people who are unable to deal with other people in a caring and respectful way.
Fair play to you, 'Phil'. biggrin