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Poor Me

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Not long out of hospital after mysterious chest pains last weekend meant me being incarcerated by the glorious NHS.
As usual, they tell you little and play with as many machines as possible.
Can anyone shed any light on what Acute Coronary Syndrom means, and if it's life threatening, could someone please shag me to death. lol
My Cholesterol level is 7.8 (genetic apparently, as I eat carefully), which has got to make me tastier than your average schmoe. C'mon baby, try full fat, ya know ya want to. LOL ;)
Quote by Song
Can anyone shed any light on what Acute Coronary Syndrom means

Well, if the doctor who diagnosed it doesn't know, what chance have we got?
I assume it was a doctor?
And that you said something like "Hey, Doc, what does Acute Coronary Syndrome mean?"
And he said "I have no idea, I'm just a doctor, ask on a swingers website."
Quote by Ice Pie
Can anyone shed any light on what Acute Coronary Syndrom means
Well, if the doctor who diagnosed it doesn't know, what chance have we got?
I assume it was a doctor?
And that you said something like "Hey, Doc, what does Acute Coronary Syndrome mean?"
And he said "I have no idea, I'm just a doctor, ask on a swingers website."
You are a cheeky bugger sometimes lol
The poor chap is obviously out of his wits with worry!!!!
That doesn't sound right but hey, who cares, lol
it could mean he has a heart beat :twisted:
Quote by dundeecpl
Can anyone shed any light on what Acute Coronary Syndrom means
Well, if the doctor who diagnosed it doesn't know, what chance have we got?
I assume it was a doctor?
And that you said something like "Hey, Doc, what does Acute Coronary Syndrome mean?"
And he said "I have no idea, I'm just a doctor, ask on a swingers website."
You are a cheeky bugger sometimes lol
Sorry, it just struck me as odd that someone would receive a diagnosis, presumably from a highly educated professional, and then go ask someone else what it means. :dunno:
Well I got the ACS bit cos I steamed open the letter I'm supposed to give my GP.
My Consultant never showed the whole time I was in.
Thanks for the heartwarming concern though. confused
Quote by Song
Well I got the ACS bit cos I steamed open the letter I'm supposed to give my GP.
My Consultant never showed the whole time I was in.
Thanks for the heartwarming concern though. confused

Im sorry it was our warped minds.
We do not know what it is but I hope it is not that bad and you will be fine.
take it easy and watch out for some of the locals they do bite but not that hard :twisted:
Del and Gill
Actually, I once bitched online about feeling very ill. Turns out the doctor had misdiagnosed me, and the suspicians of the people who responded to my thread proved to be correct!
Haven`t a bloody clue, sorry mate.
I don't know, but try doing an internet search on one of those medical types sites.
Or get an early appointment with your Doctor on Monday morning ask
Quote by WibblyWobbly
I Googled for it...

based on that thread (thanks WW for msaving me the hassle of searching) you will be taking TNG for a while, thats TriNitrateGlycerine, comes as a tinyy tab that melts on your tongue, or as a spray, both work well reducing both symptons and effects. Biggest side effect is the 3 bottles of johnny walker headache
Quote by kristof
I Googled for it...

based on that thread (thanks WW for msaving me the hassle of searching) you will be taking TNG for a while, thats TriNitrateGlycerine, comes as a tinyy tab that melts on your tongue, or as a spray, both work well reducing both symptons and effects. Biggest side effect is the 3 bottles of johnny walker headache
I have the spray to carry round with me as I recently suffered a heart attack and the headache bit is spot on...
If your cholesterol is 7.8 Song then its 50% more than it really ought to be..
Mine was 5.5 and they would like it down to 4.5........And my diet was pretty crappy so if your diet is good and you are 7.8 then it is indeed very high..
As you came out with no medication it is difficult to say whether you are really ill or not but an appointment asap with your GP should be paramount..
Oh I came out with medication all right.
Got the spray, anti coagulants, beta blockers and Cholesterol reducing drug too.
Any more pills and I'lll rattle when I walk. lol
Quote by Song
Oh I came out with medication all right.
Got the spray, anti coagulants, beta blockers and Cholesterol reducing drug too.
Any more pills and I'lll rattle when I walk. lol

ahhh but just think of the extra vibratory effect when with the ladies smile
You won't be laughing about your cholestoral level if it stops the blood reaching certain parts of your anatomy !!
So Song...........
Have u been to your GP ??
What was the outcome??...
*hopes that doesn't sound nasty as its not meant to be*
Yeah, I was there today.
Not too conclusive other than getting a sick line off work till next week. Wahey!!!
I need to go back for more tests at the end of the month, and in six weeks time, at which point, they may do an angiogram.
I'm just supposed to take it easy for six weeks.
Was thinking of just pre-empting lifes cards, and shooting crack cocaine into my eyeballs, stealing a ferrari, and driving it off a cliff with "We're all going on our Summer Holiday's" by Cliff Richard, blaring from the stereo.
Better suggestions welcome. ;)
Thanks for asking though. biggrin
I have been signed off untill then end of Feb at least !!!!!!!!
Have an angiogram booked for 12/03/05 so doubt I will be signed off the sick untill that has been done and results analised......... :cry: :cry: :cry:
Wish you all the best with that then mate.