Quote by ChairmanMiaow
I reiterate my question - has anyone on this thread actually read the consultation document, or are you all relying on the media reports?
this is a link to it Chairman
Quote by bluexxx
What new law are we talking about exactly anyway? Does anyone have a link?
Yeah, yeah, google is my friend:lol: :lol: :lol:
Quote by bigslut
what do you make of this..
I have just watched a video in which three people urinate over one another.. one man has a shit in a bowl and gives it to another person to eat
a burning wooden taper is put into the end of the men's penis and set fire to till it burns him.......... right I will not go on explaining everything that occurs in this video because obviously it would be illegal.... well no it is not... and not only that it has been given a British Board of Film censors Certificate and ''surprise surprise'' it's not R18
no this film has been given an 18 Certificate..!!!
could this possibly be true oh yes it's true... the film is dirty Sanchez...bar code 612154... .. for you disbelievers
you see all these actions would not be allowed in a sex film ..but you can show it at other times as long as it doesn't involve sex
so you can see exactly the same so-called depravity in one context and is perfectly all right then the moment you introduce the word ''SEX'' it all becomes different for some reason .....because all these decisions are made for political reasons if these acts are socially unacceptable then that's one argument but to say they are socially unacceptable only when they include sex is ridiculous....
Quote by seagull69
Just to be a bit controversial I believe that this is just another step on this governments agenda of taking us towards a totalitarian state:
First they came for the Homosexuals I did nothing because I wasn't a homosexual
You know the rest :cry:
Quote by alspals
Just to be a bit controversial I believe that this is just another step on this governments agenda of taking us towards a totalitarian state:
First they came for the Homosexuals I did nothing because I wasn't a homosexual
You know the rest :cry:
Quote by seagull69
Just to be a bit controversial I believe that this is just another step on this governments agenda of taking us towards a totalitarian state:
First they came for the Homosexuals I did nothing because I wasn't a homosexual
You know the rest :cry:
Quote by JTS
The reality of law is that you make a law banning sexual acts against those unable to resist and then insert, in the same legislative act, laws banning the watching of others having sex.
You ban consenting sexual-sado-masochism, in effect, and insert more parts banning something else.
In effect, and fact, you are gradually banning life and freedom.
More laws does not equal less crime, the reasoning behind making the laws is flawed because the people penning the legislation are unable to make the mental jump to thinking as opposed to acting.
Criminals don't obey laws, so more laws equals less obedience of law. Which also means less respect for the law.
All of this is a gradual process of moving from a policy of control of crime and criminals, to a policy of control of the population.
Life's tough !
Quote by JTS
The reality of law is that you make a law banning sexual acts against those unable to resist and then insert, in the same legislative act, laws banning the watching of others having sex.
You ban consenting sexual-sado-masochism, in effect, and insert more parts banning something else.
In effect, and fact, you are gradually banning life and freedom.
More laws does not equal less crime, the reasoning behind making the laws is flawed because the people penning the legislation are unable to make the mental jump to thinking as opposed to acting.
Criminals don't obey laws, so more laws equals less obedience of law. Which also means less respect for the law.
All of this is a gradual process of moving from a policy of control of crime and criminals, to a policy of control of the population.
Life's tough !
Quote by alspals
..the consultation paper does not cover the banning of these acts, from what I can see it appears to address who has access to view imagery of sexual violence and amonsgt other things.
Quote by seagull69
Seagull I agree with you, it is a concern that any government may be considering banning anything we wish to view for entertainment in our own homes. However without legislation the internet becomes a free for all. I'm not interested in what might turn you or anyone else on, as consenting adults..but I am worried if extreme sexual/violent is accessible by children with parents who don't or can't monitor their online activity.
Quote by alspals
Just to be a bit controversial I believe that this is just another step on this governments agenda of taking us towards a totalitarian state:
First they came for the Homosexuals I did nothing because I wasn't a homosexual
You know the rest :cry:
Quote by alspals
Seagull I agree with you, it is a concern that any government may be considering banning anything we wish to view for entertainment in our own homes. However without legislation the internet becomes a free for all. I'm not interested in what might turn you or anyone else on, as consenting adults..but I am worried if extreme sexual/violent is accessible by children with parents who don't or can't monitor their online activity.
Tried to stay out of it but have to put in one bit
In my opinion, laws should not be made because of bad parenting. This generation is becoming a blameless society. It is always someone elses fault. If you have kids, you look after them. You don't want them to see anything, then don't let them see it.
Computers can be passworded, digital TV's can be blocked, you can even make an extension for your normal TV and lock it away at night, etc. No excuses by parents should be used as there are easy ways to combat this.
Parents need to start taking their role more seriously and exerting their "Parental responsibility".
As for what should be banned? Anything that is already covered by current legislation i.e. images of actual murder, , assault etc
What two consenting adults do........no matter how bizarre e.g. the missionary position only :shock: should not be legislated against
Quote by alspals
Seagull I agree with you, it is a concern that any government may be considering banning anything we wish to view for entertainment in our own homes. However without legislation the internet becomes a free for all. I'm not interested in what might turn you or anyone else on, as consenting adults..but I am worried if extreme sexual/violent is accessible by children with parents who don't or can't monitor their online activity.
I know where you are coming from but the state is not interested in whether little johnny is getting off on so wacko porn blimey you can bet your life that half your MPs are down getting a flogging from so mistress. They are using this to see how far they can go to controling what we cannot veiw and read. They Know how powerfull the internet is. You don't have to rely on the government lie machines anymore.
And when it comes to obscene images. As a kid I was brought up on one. It was this guy who was wiped and flogged then they nailed him to a cross and stuck a spear in his side. That really is sick and they showed it to kids
Quote by seagull69
And when it comes to obscene images. As a kid I was brought up on one. It was this guy who was wiped and flogged then they nailed him to a cross and stuck a spear in his side. That really is sick and they showed it to kids
Quote by Ice Pie
And when it comes to obscene images. As a kid I was brought up on one. It was this guy who was wiped and flogged then they nailed him to a cross and stuck a spear in his side. That really is sick and they showed it to kids
Quote by Ice Pie
And when it comes to obscene images. As a kid I was brought up on one. It was this guy who was wiped and flogged then they nailed him to a cross and stuck a spear in his side. That really is sick and they showed it to kids
Quote by seagull69
And when it comes to obscene images. As a kid I was brought up on one. It was this guy who was wiped and flogged then they nailed him to a cross and stuck a spear in his side. That really is sick and they showed it to kids
Quote by Ice Pie
And when it comes to obscene images. As a kid I was brought up on one. It was this guy who was wiped and flogged then they nailed him to a cross and stuck a spear in his side. That really is sick and they showed it to kids
Quote by seagull69
And when it comes to obscene images. As a kid I was brought up on one. It was this guy who was wiped and flogged then they nailed him to a cross and stuck a spear in his side. That really is sick and they showed it to kids