Quote by Dirtygirlie
Is this like the Scout post?
If so... where are all my Christmas cards?!
Worse than the Royal Mail!
Quote by __random_orbit__
Check it goes through the slot please
Quote by Lost
Check it goes through the slot please
Quote by Lost
Check it goes through the slot please
Quote by Theladyisaminx
Check it goes through the slot please
Quote by little gem
I bid two pretty ironing goldfish and a slightly dazed neilinleeds for the post... seeing as it's going free.
Although I'm not very good at undoing knots, so someone would have to trade me a fluffy boiled sweet for an expert knot undoer. And if they had x-ray vision to tell me what was in the presents I've wrapped up and can't remember what the hell they are, that'd be a bonus too!
LG. x