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Post munch blues ! have it?

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I am now going into the Munch blues yet again :doh: ..........after having such a great time at the notts munch :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: and meeting such great peeps! kiss
But does any one else have the post munch blues!.yet! dunno
Or is it just me? sad
Not just you........... I have them too.............. but still smilin' lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
yes, and im not reading any more posts about it
Not yet hun still on a high from last night
Well now ive woken up properly I am :shock:
gives Debs a really big hug n kiss
Quote by bluexxx
Not just you........... I have them too.............. but still smilin' lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

well after looking at your new avata Blue .i am now Deff smiling ...........more like a twisted smile though :twisted: biggrin
Thanks. :D
Oh God I know what you mean, as a recently ex-murgin (tm Vix).
I'm desperately fixing on the munchy type threads. C'mere and give me a snog you stunner!!
Quote by Vicky_uk
gives Debs a really big hug n kiss

ooo that was nice babes come here and gives anouther one! :twisted: wink
Quote by westerross
Oh God I know what you mean, as a recently ex-murgin (tm Vix).
I'm desperately fixing on the munchy type threads. C'mere and give me a snog you stunner!!

cough cough oooooo errrrrr Tune oversly didn't get enough snogs of me last night then wink and dident ware you out enouth :twisted:
Debs writes down more snogging Tune next time we meet ........... :notes:
Every bloody time sad
Sod it - i'm taking the day off tomorrow - gonna take my little Angel off for a day out - warm up fer the Yorks munch!!
I don't have post munch blues so :rude:
And I'm still not reading the Notts munch thread!
And no, I didn't want a badge either evil
Quote by Libra+Love
I don't have post munch blues so :rude:
And I'm still not reading the Notts munch thread!
And no, I didn't want a badge either evil

well its not fair that you do not have next time little old Debs here is going to drag you by the hair and get you there :twisted: :twisted:
Quote by Debbiewebs
well its not fair that you do not have next time little old Debs here is going to drag you by the hair and get you there :twisted: :twisted:

As long as you promise not to spank my bum too. It's black and blue from last night :twisted: evil
Quote by Libra+Love

well its not fair that you do not have next time little old Debs here is going to drag you by the hair and get you there :twisted: :twisted:

As long as you promise not to spank my bum too. It's black and blue from last night :twisted: evil
well give me 4 month to recove my hand from spanking womens bums last night and you should off recoved too by then................ i am going to spank you :twisted: :twisted:
Another one here with the post-munch blues.
Yesterday I was too hung-over to suffer anything else but that, but now that I am as sober as I get, the blues are setting in..............I'll nip off into the chatroom soon, that should help lol :lol:
Group hug everyone passionkiss sillyassionkiss:
I had the blues on the way back to london yesterday...
anyway big snogs to everyone.
we have them but maybe thats more because were tired and didnt get home till 730 in the morning we had no sleep all night and we only live 30mins away
were catching up now biggrin
I have pre-munch blues !
Can't seem to get to one. People keep saying that's the best way to meet people, but so far the nearest we've got is a place on the reserve list for one next February!
Any ideas about how we can meet other swingers before then? I was wondering about putting something in the Lets Meet Up section just suggesting a local pub and seeing who turns up - is that a good idea? or should we wait for a proper organised one?
Quote by angelnn66
I have pre-munch blues !
Can't seem to get to one. People keep saying that's the best way to meet people, but so far the nearest we've got is a place on the reserve list for one next February!
Any ideas about how we can meet other swingers before then? I was wondering about putting something in the Lets Meet Up section just suggesting a local pub and seeing who turns up - is that a good idea? or should we wait for a proper organised one?

I wouldn't advise naming the pub in a post - you'd be risking the presence of lurkers who aren't members, including paparazzi. I think if you want to arrange a pub meet, your best bet would be to give an indication of the general area and ask for those interested to PM you.
Quote by angelnn66
Any ideas about how we can meet other swingers before then? I was wondering about putting something in the Lets Meet Up section just suggesting a local pub and seeing who turns up - is that a good idea? or should we wait for a proper organised one?

The local pub idea is definitely a no-no. You risk being besieged by tabloid reporters with hidden cameras, gawpers, and other dodgy characters. Why not go to a swinging club? Or keep joining in the discussion threads in the cafe, and I'm sure you'll get an invite before February. Good luck anyway.
I'm glad I asked now - I won't post an ad for a pub meet - will carry on going to clubs and see what happens
Thanks everyone
Quote by angelnn66
I have pre-munch blues !
Can't seem to get to one. People keep saying that's the best way to meet people, but so far the nearest we've got is a place on the reserve list for one next February!
Any ideas about how we can meet other swingers before then? I was wondering about putting something in the Lets Meet Up section just suggesting a local pub and seeing who turns up - is that a good idea? or should we wait for a proper organised one?

Ice has it right of course, if you were to organise a mini munch in a local pub then no one can stop you attending! If you made it on a weekday evening you would be likely to get a good few of the locals (and there are quite a few) and also may get one or two of the hardened munchers (Sarah!!!), I'd certainly be interested in turning up (day dependant) and have been thinking of doing something in the Stafford area myself. Hope that helps.
Back to the subject...
Post Munch Blues?
How can you possibly get PMB's? It's less than 5 weeks to the next one!!! Having said that, it's usually not until most of the way through the week that I start to come down from my Post Munch High, so PMB's don't figure with me.
PMB........yup sad
now i have finally woken up, yes i know its monday but my age is showing lol :lol:
its the back to normality bit that does it for me, putting away all my stuff, trying to hide it from the kids wink
I'm just looking and editing some of the photos and its making it worse.
The only good thing this time is i have some offers of meets and had loads of pm's (usually lucky to get 1 a week..... :( :lol: )
roll on the next munch
kaz xxx
NOBODY can have the Post Munch blues more than those who couldn't make it evil
Still, I had a very good time with Kitty, without having to worry about baby-sitters, hotel rooms, travel.......
See everyone at the Yorks!
post munch blues here too after such a brill munch and i guess itll last till the leics munch or maybe when we visit chams again smile
Yep me too......I've got the post-Munch blues......but I'm getting back up on a high by deciding to do another shagathon next week!! LoL.....
I can't believe there isn't another Munch until the Leicester one.....that's just not fair!!! evil
But there are a couple of events during August that should take away the Munch blues so I'm happy.....
Fortunately, I don't suffer from PMB. My addiction is (so far) sufficiently mild that I can usually tolerate a few weeks wait until the next one. wink
What I do suffer from is MME - Missed Munch Envy - because I can't get to as many as I would like.
Dambuster, being a munch whore, of course suffers from the recently identified but soon to be endemic condition known as WITNO anxiety. (When Is The Next One) lol
Don't reckon it'll be too long before we have wall-to-wall munches and the likes of Dammie can go on tour! :giggle: