Do you have any particular post-sex routines?
If so, do they differ if it's post-sex during a meet or post-sex with a familiar partner?
Is there any truth in the oft-quoted "women like to cuddle and discuss; men just want to roll over and sleep"?
I'm not sure I have any routine I follow - but I don't think I fall into the cuddle category.
With the Mrs I tend to roll over tell her to leave the money by the side of the bed get a slap and fall asleep. Then wonder why i get the evils off her for the next few days
turn red and mumble an apology explaining that its never happened before
If I'm on my own, I usually turn the light off.
If I'm with friends, it depends on my timing. But dirty laughs and a cuddle aint a bad thing is it?
oh i love a cuddle and chat after.
usually hug and talk for ages.
its all good.
and yes women do love to chat after and so do i.
I have a routine in my head....
'ffs, now leave me alone' but I will cuddle if they want to cuddle. I generally can't be bothered as I have got what I want (hopefully) and I want to leave fairly quickly.
If it's with hubby, then it's very likely to have been an early morning jobbie- so I'll go back to sleep and wait for him to bring me a cuppa.
If it's with lover, then we'll more than likely cuddle up & talk. The conversations can be bizarre. Last time we ended up discussing the etymology of the word "sartorial." I wouldn't swap our post-coital conversations for the world.
Sadly for us its been Madame who has turned over and fallen asleep. Anyone else in this situation?
Its normally a few moments of working out what got fluid on it and what didnt followed by a quick clean up operation then back to watching the TV or whatever we were doing before.