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Postcode and distance calculation

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Depends what you put dunno
NN8 confused
I can't see how to calculate distance, sorry redface
Postcode is visible here ... as for the other I don't know as I've got mine removed so that function won't work.
C x
Quote by R n M
I do not want any more pm's from single m's asking if I'm aware that they are in driving distance of me.

I've had some of them, but I got a sneaky feeling its only cos they have read my posts and want to run me over so I'm ignoring em!
Not sure where the thread is now :shock: but you can call Symbios and ask them to remove your postcode. Which is fine for a none swinger like me but if you want to be able to use the adverts then it looks like you are lumbered with keeping it dunno
C x
I took the postcode off and then ticked the box for 'none' in location and my fucking postcode is still showing! mad
Steph, what's the postcode for the shetlands please :P
postcode for shetlands would have to include sheep I expect
while its being fixed if anyone can't change their postcode or select a town/county/none give the office a call on and your postcode will be deleted.

This is what St3v3 posted a few days back.
C x
Or a fix it yourself idea.... click on the drop down box for your town. Choose a random town off the list and then tick either town, county or none. Your option will save once you've chosen a town smile
Quote by Sexysteph
Anyone who wants to move to the Shetlands to keep me company use ZE1 and select any of the towns etc
Steph biggrin

Thanks steff, anyway I've moved! :shock: