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Prada or Primark. Are you or your partner a lable queen?

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La Senza or La Marks & Spencer?
Armarni or George @ Asda?
Rolex or Timex?
Come on own up ladies & Gents
Don't care as long as it fits and people appreciate what it looks like. Particularly underwear :twisted: Although I have to admit to not wanting to pay for designer stuff, on principle. It's oftenjust the name you pay for.
Quote by Freckledbird
Don't care as long as it fits and people appreciate what it looks like. Particularly underwear :twisted: Although I have to admit to not wanting to pay for designer stuff, on principle. It's often just the name you pay for.

FB.. you've summed up my feelings exactly lol
I buy from charity shops biggrin
A fool and his money are soon parted
I take pride in not paying through the nose for anything, and deffinately will not wear designer stuff specially if its got their name all over it. They should pay me for advertising
Quote by Geminifemale
A fool and his money are soon parted
I take pride in not paying through the nose for anything, and deffinately will not wear designer stuff specially if its got their name all over it. They should pay me for advertising

Our sentiments exactly!!!! Whatever we feel looks good, and makes us feel good we will buy. After all, everything that is made has to be "designed" does'nt it???
I tend to buy things that I like rather than a particular brand name. I like styles and how clothes are cut, but you don't have to pay the earth for them.
I shop in all shops and don't do enough shopping lol
Designer labels are so not me. I belong on Planet Uncool. Anyone remember? lol
to be honest i very raley buy new cloths anyway, and i had recently thought about all this new socialising i want to do, think i might look a bit dated lol
Since the Estate was handed down to me, a matter of a few years now, I find that I have gotten rather used to the feel of the finest materials against my skin, the best craftsmanship at my disposal.
I've taken to Tesco just recently. Its excellent to be able to pick up the odd bit of clothing while I'm supposed to be doing the food shopping :lol2:
Well, I do have a pair of Dolce & Gabbana sunglasses
Bought them from a huge black guy in Rome
5 euro's
Bargain at half the price
Quote by Dawnie
I've taken to Tesco just recently. Its excellent to be able to pick up the odd bit of clothing while I'm supposed to be doing the food shopping :lol2:

I keep swapping between asda and tesco sincethey're the same distance away... but yes I've been known to spend £30 on a trip to go and fetch a pint of milk and a loaf of bread redface lol :lol:
Quote by celestria
I've taken to Tesco just recently. Its excellent to be able to pick up the odd bit of clothing while I'm supposed to be doing the food shopping :lol2:

I keep swapping between asda and tesco sincethey're the same distance away... but yes I've been known to spend £30 on a trip to go and fetch a pint of milk and a loaf of bread redface lol :lol:
Last weekend I brought jeans, 2 skirts, 1 t-shirt and some holdups.
Ian says we might be changing to getting our food delivered, it would cost him less surprisedops:
so why doesn't my local >bum/wallet/back pocket patting<super market seel mans togs like all the others...? Thats what I want to know.
I feel like I'm missing out on a phenominon here :!:
and where can I get good quality, cheap boxers... ?
>here speaks a bloke who has no problem walking into a fetish shop and browsing, but has dificulty selecting underwear for himself.... confused <
Got to admit I'm an Asda Chick biggrin & if I like something I will have it no matter where it is from, I have got a few named things but love a bargain from Primark :happy:
Depends what I am buying and what for to be honest.
I don't mind spending a bit more on jeans/tops I know I will wear but I won't spend a great deal on things I won't wear too often.
Quote by Dawnie
I've taken to Tesco just recently. Its excellent to be able to pick up the odd bit of clothing while I'm supposed to be doing the food shopping :lol2:

Mr Patel must be gutted he's no longer got your custom!!
as for the question, I do buy some designer stuff but that's only if it's something that I know the quality is superior on or if I couldn't get as good a fit from elsewear. jeans for instance I will just shop round until I find that perfect pair, it doesn't matter to me what the label is, just so long as they are a perfect fit. I have been known to pay 200 quid for jeans just because they were such a good fit. But saying that I don't buy things that have labels obviously showing on them.
I also have started picking up a fair few things in tesco lately. As for underwear, most of the time I get stuff from good old M&S as its good quality and they do have some nice stuff plus you know you can bung it in the washing machine, where as I have loads of La Perla stuff that cost a fortune, but I never wear cos it's hand wash only.
The only thing I wear that is obviously branded are sunglasses as I'm addicted to Chanel sunglasses.........ohh and I do like my Radley handbags........ohh and their purses......and I may also have a few bits of their luggage as well....... smile
oh and I did once spend 500 quid on a pair of shoes that I've never worn and even knew at the time I bought them that I never would but they are very beautiful and they were calling my name from the shelf so I had to by them.
And no I'm not a really I'm not....but if you ever need to find me the best place to try is the Trafford Centre! lol
Quote by poshkate
I've taken to Tesco just recently. Its excellent to be able to pick up the odd bit of clothing while I'm supposed to be doing the food shopping :lol2:

Mr Patel must be gutted he's no longer got your custom!!
as for the question, I do buy some designer stuff but that's only if it's something that I know the quality is superior on or if I couldn't get as good a fit from elsewear. jeans for instance I will just shop round until I find that perfect pair, it doesn't matter to me what the label is, just so long as they are a perfect fit. I have been known to pay 200 quid for jeans just because they were such a good fit. But saying that I don't buy things that have labels obviously showing on them.
I also have started picking up a fair few things in tesco lately. As for underwear, most of the time I get stuff from good old M&S as its good quality and they do have some nice stuff plus you know you can bung it in the washing machine, where as I have loads of La Perla stuff that cost a fortune, but I never wear cos it's hand wash only.
The only thing I wear that is obviously branded are sunglasses as I'm addicted to Chanel sunglasses.........ohh and I do like my Radley handbags........ohh and their purses......and I may also have a few bits of their luggage as well....... smile
oh and I did once spend 500 quid on a pair of shoes that I've never worn and even knew at the time I bought them that I never would but they are very beautiful and they were calling my name from the shelf so I had to by them.
And no I'm not a really I'm not....but if you ever need to find me the best place to try is the Trafford Centre! lol
£500 on a pair of shoes, but not worn!!
I once bought a pair of Hermes trainers for £350, made the mistake of wearing them in the rain & ruined them.
If you asked me who made what I am wearing I could not tell you. With two exceptions. Those two exceptions do cost more the similar clothing, sorry clothing that covers the same parts, but they are better....
Quote by poshkate
The only thing I wear that is obviously branded are sunglasses as I'm addicted to Chanel sunglasses.........ohh and I do like my Radley handbags........ohh and their purses......and I may also have a few bits of their luggage as well....... smile

redface I posted earlier saying I didn't do designer labels much.. then I remembered.. I'm quite partial to the Radley collection. Oh and I did have a pair of the afore mentioned sunglasses, but they were from Ebay and turned out to be snide anyway! :shock:
well i tend to sort of mix between
Next, Burton, FCUK(just recently i might add) and Primark.
I tend to get my shirts from Next tho as they fit better than most other places, i tend to get jeans again same fitting issue.
i often go out in an outfit that has probably cost 20 quid (minus trainers) to put to gether and kinda still looks stylish
Quote by MikeC
well i tend to sort of mix between
Next, Burton, FCUK(just recently i might add) and Primark.
I tend to get my shirts from Next tho as they fit better than most other places, i tend to get jeans again same fitting issue.
i often go out in an outfit that has probably cost 20 quid (minus trainers) to put to gether and kinda still looks stylish

I have to agree with you there Mike, Jay is normally Next head to toe, the sizes for him are spot on, the price is decent and the quality is fine, plus I get to look in the household department wink
I do love to buy my jeans from next as they always seem to fit so nice ( and the kids clothes are gorgeous), but you know what really annoys me is where the hell can i get any straight leg jeans from apart from next because they all seem to be bootcut these days and although i do wear them sometimes i much prefer straight legged jeans.
I always get my socks in primarks £2 for 5 pairs :thrilled: you cant go wrong.
louise xx
Topman. Socks 3 for £7.....and they are amazing, highly reccommended....not really suitable for work or formal wear....though it hasnt stopped me.
Quote by louise_and_joe
I do love to buy my jeans from next as they always seem to fit so nice ( and the kids clothes are gorgeous), but you know what really annoys me is where the hell can i get any straight leg jeans from apart from next because they all seem to be bootcut these days and although i do wear them sometimes i much prefer straight legged jeans.
I always get my socks in primarks £2 for 5 pairs :thrilled: you cant go wrong.
louise xx

Asda wink
We used to be a household of labels,but think that was to do with living in essex and to be honest wasnt even that aware we were doing it at the time redface It was just the expected norm and kinda got swept away in the crowd i guess :shock:
Then we moved up north and bought a rural small holding,renovation,farmfields and mud ect everywhere...suddenly labels were not so important. The local kids hadnt even heard of half the labels my kids had anyway...and realisation hit :idea:
I am now a low income single parent about the only things my kids have are branded trainers, and that is purely because they last alot longer imo.I still wont buy just on the label, i look at the quality and recently refused to buy a certain pair of trainers because i could forsee that they wouldnt last. I off set this cost by being a avid charity shop visitor,it is truely amazing what you can find. My children reap the rewards as money saved on clothing means we have money to do other things like daytrips ect we wouldnt be able to afford otherwise.
I am realy gratefull that my children no-longer request label's as i would find this a impossibilty on my i guess the move from south to north has had benefits i didnt see before posting this.
Quote by celestria
I do love to buy my jeans from next as they always seem to fit so nice ( and the kids clothes are gorgeous), but you know what really annoys me is where the hell can i get any straight leg jeans from apart from next because they all seem to be bootcut these days and although i do wear them sometimes i much prefer straight legged jeans.
I always get my socks in primarks £2 for 5 pairs :thrilled: you cant go wrong.
louise xx

Asda wink
Oh thanks celestria, i'll go and have a butchers :giggle:
louise xx
i have lots of desiner lable clothes .
think there a better cut than most
but there all on the " ebay " lable :giggle:
When i was younger i would always demand brands, i wouldnt wear something that didnt have a label. I still wear labels but only because i prefer them, i always will probably.