Hi everybody! Male-half of a ‘swing-curious’ couple here… I’ve browsed this site in total fascination for several months now. Still not quite ready to take the plunge, but I can no longer resist the impulse to say how amazing you all are! For those of us still in the process of casting off the manacles of inhibition, you are wonderful role models.
For a year or so I’ve been in a relationship with a fantastic lady and we’ve learned things about our sexual appetites that have astonished and thrilled us wildly. You guys (the genuine ones) have provided a hothouse for our fantasies. Things we thought could only ever be sexual flights of fancy now seem very plausible. I’m hugely optimistic we will get to live out some of those dreams in the non-too-distant future.
I’m not an arse-kisser (not in the pejorative sense anyway!) so please accept this as genuine praise - you are AWESOME! Thanks for your patience and sorry for my verbosity! S