We get an extra hour in the hotel, after the Plymouth Munch!
Apparently for shift workers it is just tough shit and they have to work extra hour - harsh - although guess it works the other way round in March.
clicked on this cos i read cocks not clocks.
but at least we get more time in bed.
Used a cash machine today & saw a message that said all NatWest machines will be down from to for the changeover on Sunday. Imagine if you need a few quid for a taxi or summit & find you can't access your cash. Just thought I'd let peeps know to aviod anyone finding themselves in this predicament.
I prefer the idea of putting the cocks back an hour - a swingers back to the future?
As im out later, I have changed my clock to GMT already.
Am I the first?
whats this gmt nonsense you all on about, As my fellow felow hams (nerds tm Dawn-mids) will profess its UTC
i came back from spain this morning and have not changed my watch back the hour yet so all day i have been an hour in front so in the morning i get two hours extra sleep
This is an Italian Station = callsign ID 10 T saying will you two give over and go QRT.