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pregnant swinging

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Are there any pregnat swingers out there?
Has anyone ever swung with a pregnant swinger?
Do they ever come along?
Does anyone else find pregnant women amazingly attractive?
discuss biggrin
My answers:
1. Yes (no, not me !)
2. Yes
3. ???? Not sure what you mean here?
4. Errrrrr............... if she is ugly before she is pregnant she will remain ugly while pregnant. If she is attractive before she is pregnant, she will still be attractive while pregnant.
I'm sure this has been done before.
try doing a search
or this maybe
Yes, it was done before, a while ago but I'm a bit bored so I answered anyway! lol
Quote by bluexxx
My answers:
1. Yes (no, not me !)
2. Yes
3. ???? Not sure what you mean here?
4. Errrrrr............... if she is ugly before she is pregnant she will remain ugly while pregnant. If she is attractive before she is pregnant, she will still be attractive while pregnant.

I suppose I'm repeating myself, I mean come along as have you seen them on this forum?
What was your experience?
When I say attractive I mean, I'm attracted to the fact that there pregnant, if you get me?
soz for quick replies im at work wink
Quote by james_boss69
I mean come along as have you seen them on this forum?
What was your experience?

1. I won't give personal details of anyone on this forum, so it is not for me to say whether there are pregnant members here or not. It wouldn't be too difficult for you to find out if you bothered to read some of the threads.
2. My experience? Now, you really don't believe in discretion do you? :shock:
Quote by bluexxx
I mean come along as have you seen them on this forum?
What was your experience?

1. I won't give personal details of anyone on this forum, so it is not for me to say whether there are pregnant members here or not. It wouldn't be too difficult for you to find out if you bothered to read some of the threads.
2. My experience? Now, you really don't believe in discretion do you? :shock:
Im curious, im not asking you to hunt them down for me! Im interested in others experiances!
Is this not a forum about sex, swinging and other things? Im supprised you took offence in my asking about your experiance!
Quote by james_boss69
Im supprised you took offence in my asking about your experiance!

Really? Are you actually a swinger? If you are you would know that it is polite to be discreet.
I was not offended but people who just come on here looking for titilating details of forum members are two a penny, very annoying, and they soon leave (or get booted).
That is MY experience hehehehehehehehehehe
Quote by bluexxx
Im supprised you took offence in my asking about your experiance!

Really? Are you actually a swinger? If you are you would know that it is polite to be discreet.
I was not offended but people who just come on here looking for titilating details of forum members are two a penny, very annoying, and they soon leave (or get booted).
That is MY experience hehehehehehehehehehe
No im not a swinger (yet/hopefully will be, *crosses fingers and toes*LOL)
Well im apollogise for not being to discreet!
Im glad your not offended, and i didnt meen to come across as a the typical idot!!!
I've never swung with a pregnant woman, but I do find them incredibly attractive. Quite like looking at porn which involves pregnant women, especially when they are having sex. This is probably because it is something that would be even more (as considered by society etc) than having sex with someone's wife. :P :P
i have met and swung with 2 pregnant women, yes i find them attractive but i couldn't have done it when i was pregnant lol
Alison x
Quote by james_boss69
No im not a swinger

Thought not.
Quote by bluexxx
No im not a swinger

Thought not.
hey take it easy on the new guy smile
Quote by james_boss69
No im not a swinger

Thought not.
hey take it easy on the new guy smile
That was taking it easy.
Strangely enough pregnant women have usually been fertilised. They are often fertilised by men. These men frequently become quite protective of the women they have fertilised (for good reason) and having other men letching after 'em is not always welcome - especially in open forum.
Not always the case but quite likely I'd say.
Quote by westerross
Strangely enough pregnant women have usually been fertilised. They are often fertilised by men. These men frequently become quite protective of the women they have fertilised (for good reason) and having other men letching after 'em is not always welcome - especially in open forum.
Not always the case but quite likely I'd say.

True in most cases, but I've known women who get extremely horny when pregnant.
Quote by bluexxx
4. Errrrrr............... if she is ugly before she is pregnant she will remain ugly while pregnant. If she is attractive before she is pregnant, she will still be attractive while pregnant.

rotflmao rotflmao rotflmao rotflmao rotflmao
Class Bluexxx - class!!!! lol lol lol
Sorry - that just appealed to me! lol redface
never a dull moment on here :shock:
my wife was having sex with her boyfriend right up to three weeks before the birth.... and she did him again about a week after....
Some pregnant women can get VERY horny.. I'm still having sex regularly and I've got 2 weeks till my due date. However.. I personally don't fancy the idea of having sex with anyone other than my partner at the moment.. and he feels very protective over my 'bump'...
As for pregnant women being attractive, I personally don't see it, but then I see the stretch marks and swollen ankles on a daily basis. The one's used in porn tend to be 'perfect' bumps with no flaws and are all positively glowing!! Just wish it was the same for me :cry: lol
Quote by xxdevil69
Some pregnant women can get VERY horny.. I'm still having sex regularly and I've got 2 weeks till my due date. However.. I personally don't fancy the idea of having sex with anyone other than my partner at the moment.. and he feels very protective over my 'bump'...
As for pregnant women being attractive, I personally don't see it, but then I see the stretch marks and swollen ankles on a daily basis. The one's used in porn tend to be 'perfect' bumps with no flaws and are all positively glowing!! Just wish it was the same for me :cry: lol

Good luck babes. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Hope it all goes really really well. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx