Now I suspected that something was suspicious about this, so at first I logged off after a couple of minutes, and then when it kept happening I pulled the plug out of the phone line every time the connection dropped.
Anyway, the phone bill arrives - and guess what??? yep, extra charges for dialling premium rate numbers.
I checked out the numbers and got the addresses of 2 companies in Panama and Delaware (currently under investigation), and armed with this information ring BT to get something done about the bill. BT told me that there is nothing they can do and they only make a small percentage of the cost of premium rate numbers and I would still have to pay the bill.

Well it felt like being mugged and writing the f*****g mugger a cheque.
So, best advice I can give if you have a dial up connection is to ring up BT and get a bar on premium rate numbers.
I just thank my lucky stars that I suspected and it only ended up costing me £35. I've since heard of peoples bills coming in at £500 and more. So beware people. Its not just the burglars we have to worry about.
Anybody else had a similar experience?