Is anyone like us shocked at the increase in prices being asked for fresh christmas trees this year? There seems to be a bit of variation in prices in the Bridgend Mid Glam area. One major DIY group is charging £30-50 for 6 to 8 foot trees, a street trader 30-36 and a well-known farm/country shop up to £52. Its a lot of money for a couple of weeks and then throw it away after. Are you paying these prices?
need to start carrying an axe in the boot... loads down the motorways..... :twisted:
showing my age here, but 20 years ago i was selling them for , any size, by product after the logs mainly, sold thousand to garden centres in north east, they made a fortune.
Bought a really really ropey one years ago but thought it was too expensive so I turned the price ticket upside down, sneaky me eh, I paid £8!
I paid £5 for a really bushy pre lit fake one 3 years ago
Actual retail price was £70
January sales are great
Got ours from homebase cpl weeks ago and kept it in garden till sunday, it was £20 and its a beautiful one 6 foot high too and perfect for our size living room lol
6-8ft Nordmans at Costco for 22 +VAT if you know anyone who has a card...
Lovely trees
£17 for a 7ft, conjoined twin from Longleat.
Tree that is tweeks. About 18" up the trunk it turns into 2 trees, so unlike every other tree it is nice and bushy right up to the top.