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Prince Albert

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I would like to know more about this as in
A.. Do you get more pleasure from it when having sex ( male question)
B.. Does it enhance a women's pleasure ( female question)
C. Does it hurt to have it done and is it worth it ??
All options gratefully received
answer to your question for the females, it aint my cup of tea, once had a coil yanked out by one sad
and all the males i know with one get really annoyed coz they have to sit down to pee now
From a male perspective I don't think I will ever have mine done - it looks extremely painful. Good thread though because I would be curious to see if there are any sexual advantages to having one done. I would always worry about it getting caught :shock:
As for peeing sitting down, I always do that - it eliminates any accidents, and I walk around with clean shoes now.
I can't actually answer any of your specific questions .... however, I do think that they look unattractive, and I would definitely gag when I put one in my mouth, and it's not going anywhere else.
If you want to have piercings that do actually give a woman pleasure then consider a frenum ladder. The bars really do hit the spot wink
I think they are gross and would never meet a guy who has one now.
I did years ago and it looked awful and i hated giving a bj as the metal in my mouth made me gag and it hurt my teeth.
I always felt it wasnt to clean too although it seemed ok, just my perception of it.
He had a rather small cock too so i couldnt tell if it made actual penatrive (sp?) sex better or not !
I've got a PA and its great: the wife loves it and would not let me take it off now. had it for about 14 years. It did not hurt having it done one little bit. takes a few weeks to heal mind…
I went out with a guy who had his p.a pierced. First time I saw it, I was like "holy moly" :shock: But in all honesty I found it a turn on and it enhanced sex (doggy style), when it hit my g-spot and omg..yes yes yessss boink
One of the pieces of jewellery he used was bloody scary to look at mind, a massive hoop. Not sure how else to describe it. I remember him telling me he was bleeding after piercing for quite sometime after. Lots of blood filled baths.
Yes he did have to pee sitting down but at least he never messed up the bathroom floor and the seat was always down smile
Quote by Katniss
answer to your question for the females, it aint my cup of tea, once had a coil yanked out by one sad
and all the males i know with one get really annoyed coz they have to sit down to pee now

I always prefer to sit down to pee :silly: