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Pringles are pissing me off

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Where's the 'Whole lot of fun' when I open a tube of Pringles dunno I love the little curvy bastards, especially the cream cheese and chive ones with a dip of the same flavour oh yeah! Lovely stuff, although, I have yet to find the fun, and that pisses me off big time. Damn advertisement, damn lies. Even my kids shout "Oh no"! when the advert comes on because they know I'll go off one.
Bloody grrrr!
Losty, you're obviously looking at it in totally the wrong way. While they may be tasty savory potato based snacks, the fun can't possibly come from shovelling them into your gob, the fun must come from using them in inventive ways. I shall give you an example or two....
Imagine you work as something like a fireman, the sort of job where you'll have a little time on your hands and you might have to wear some sort of 'other clothing'. now, imagine the fun if you took half a dozen of those tasty snacks and dropped them in a workmates boots for them to find :mrgreen:
Alternatively, you might want to visit your local joke shop (if such a thing still exists) and purchase one of those 'snakes in a tin' gags, then scoff your pringles and leave a nicely primed tube waiting for someone to help themselves.
If you really like eating them and have the time and desire to save a few of the tubes up, you can cut off the bottom of each tube at a different length, maybe paint them all in nice, bright colours, fix them together and pop the plastic lid back on. then all you need is a couple of pencils and you have your own little drumkit to entertain your friends for hours and hours lol
See, its really not that difficult is it?
Buy 1 get 2 tubes free in a very well known supermarket at the moment!!!
Quote by Sarah
Buy 1 get 2 tubes free in a very well known supermarket at the moment!!!

That'd be 270 thingies of fun then I guess Sarah, and maybe that well known supermarket could open a few tubes in the aisles to make my shopping experience so much more 'fun' as I get to the painful end of the checkout biggrin
It is also slightly vexing that once I pop I can indeed stop.
Quote by Ben_welshminx
It is also slightly vexing that once I pop I can indeed stop.

An enigma possibly Ben LoL - good to see ya posting too
lost if your offering me somewhere to dip and lick the chips id be happy to show you just how fun pringles can be. xx
Quote by tyracer
lost if your offering me somewhere to dip and lick the chips id be happy to show you just how fun pringles can be. xx

damn you beat me too it, was just about to say same thing lol xx
Quote by Ben_welshminx
It is also slightly vexing that once I pop I can indeed stop.

The strapline of 'once you pop you just can't stop' isn't even believed by Pringles themselves.
Why do they provide you with a re-sealable lid dunno
Quote by Ian
It is also slightly vexing that once I pop I can indeed stop.

The strapline of 'once you pop you just can't stop' isn't even believed by Pringles themselves.
Why do they provide you with a re-sealable lid dunno
Yeah, and you can get resealable bags of Minstrels. Why????????
Quote by foxylady2209
It is also slightly vexing that once I pop I can indeed stop.

The strapline of 'once you pop you just can't stop' isn't even believed by Pringles themselves.
Why do they provide you with a re-sealable lid dunno
Yeah, and you can get resealable bags of Minstrels. Why????????
So you can scoff the lot, blow air into the bag, seal it up and blame the lack of minstrels on a production error should anybody question their location wink
Quote by Trixie_D-Lish
lost if your offering me somewhere to dip and lick the chips id be happy to show you just how fun pringles can be. xx

damn you beat me too it, was just about to say same thing lol xx
when you have a moment trish xxx
Pringle Penguin
Materials needed :
an empty (pringles) tube
black, white and orange paper
Let's get to work:
Cover the whole tube with black paper.
Then, cut a small piece of white paper to create the belly.
Cut long black pieces of paper to make wings.
Finish the project by making a beak and eyes.
Quote by Dino
Pringle Penguin
Materials needed :
an empty (pringles) tube
black, white and orange paper
Let's get to work:
Cover the whole tube with black paper.
Then, cut a small piece of white paper to create the belly.
Cut long black pieces of paper to make wings.
Finish the project by making a beak and eyes.

I reckon we could combine that with my drum idea and make.......penguin bongos :thumbup:
Or even robot bongo`s :thumbup:
Dont wheels have to point in the same direction to work??? Think its trackings out a bit there lol
Quote by vampanya
Dont wheels have to point in the same direction to work??? Think its trackings out a bit there lol

A bit of "toe-in" is required to stop its over-correction in its steering mechanism while moving in a straight line :silly:
They're arms they are. Little tools or a ray gun pop out of them as need arises, everyone knows that. A Pringle robot hovers didn't you know biggrin
You lot have all been sniffing the glue you used on the Pringles tubes aintcha loon
Ahhh fluff thats what they mean by once u pop u just cant stop.
Make your own Pringles:-
1 Lge. Bag dehydrated potato.
150 gms rice flour
50 gms wheat starch
1 empty Pingles tube
Mix ingredients with hot water until fairly stiff consistency is achieved.
Place mixture into the Pringles tube (buttered inside) – place in coldest part of fridge for 1 hour to harden.
Pre-heat oven to 200c
Remove Pringles tube from fridge and slice thin circles from the hardened potato roll.
(tip – use a cheese wire cutter).
Place circles on an oiled baking sheet and place in oven for 10-15 minutes or until golden brown.
Sprinkle with flavour of choice..
Perhaps knock the bottoms out of 4 tubes and slide them over the dogs legs whilst someone rubs its belly to distract it, then stand back and watch it try and stand up.
Tried of the missus moanin :fuckinghell: about hittin the toilet seat when takin a piss?
Take both ends of the pringle can off, insert your knob, aim and go! :grin:
No more having to wipe the toilet seat or moppin the floor.... ever again! :thumbup:
A portable mini golf hole :grin:
Quote by Dino
Tried of the missus moanin :fuckinghell: about hittin the toilet seat when takin a piss?
Take both ends of the pringle can off, insert your knob, aim and go! :grin:

you could just piss in her favourite handbag, then when she complains about that point out the benefit and ease of her just having to wipe a plastic seat occasionally instead.
Quote by meat2pleaseu
Tried of the missus moanin :fuckinghell: about hittin the toilet seat when takin a piss?
Take both ends of the pringle can off, insert your knob, aim and go! :grin:

you could just piss in her favourite handbag, then when she complains about that point out the benefit and ease of her just having to wipe a plastic seat occasionally instead.rotflmao:rotflmao:
I shall try that later lol