I believe a child's attitude is just as important as the school they are attending. My eldest has been through the state school system as is at present at college studying for her A level's in economics,accountancy,maths and business studies, whilst my brother's eldest son who went to private school's is backpacking around australia and tells us he has no intention of joining the "rat race" as he call's it.
I think society put's too much trust into school's we all have a duty to our children to co-educate them with the school. I know its not easy after a hard day's work to motivate yourself, but I just remind myself it's their future, that's enough motivation for me.
bloody hell not me usual one liner :shock:
I have to agree with some of the points that Duncan made.
I do think that schools socialise our kids too much in the sense that quite often their indivdualtiy is knocked out them, freedom of thought is repressed and behaviour is rigid.
And then, bugger me, we spend thousands of pounds, particularly in the public sector, o courses trying to stick it all back in again!
My eldest has ADHD. So yes he's active, annoying, goddamn dangerous sometimes but . . . he thinks outside everyone else's parameters, he is energetic with his life, he accepts all that is different around him - he seems unable to hold prejudices, malice etc. Does not go down well with the school - awlays trying to get him to act like everyone else? And learn in the same way as everyone else. Why???????? He is who he is. He's not out there committing crimes, being a nuisance etc etc.
Middle son is the proverbial "geek" - so he fits in well with the school system.
Daughter dresses like a goth. She is 12 but is confident in her appearance and expressions. Do they like this. No. She doesn't look the same as everyone else. . So what. She shouldn't have her hair dyed black, shouldn't wear her boots for school (which are just heavy goth ankle boots but they don't like the skulls - which are hidden by her trousers) blah blah blah.
Schools are so now driven by short term results.
Anyway I am aware that I am ranting now .