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Profanity does it turn you on ladies?

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Hi peeps been browsing the profile sextion :shock: (& very nice it was too) :twisted: and I found some of the profiles the women were (now this does depend on who typed said text in profile) described as "horny slut" , "cum slut" etc.......etc... I am sure you get the point. My question is this do women like being called that as I have never used those terms I have however used "dirty bitch" as the ladies I was fecking at the time liked to be called that whilst spanking and fecking at the same time (who says men cant muliti-task .......haha :twisted: ) Well ladies do you?
Master of Sex
Does it turn me on? Depends who's saying it.
But no, not really.
Well if they dont like being called such names in the heat of the momment ive been getting it wrong for for some time now redface lol
Warming the Bed
personally it all depends on the mood and who you are with...and of sexually are turned on....sometimes I like being called names...other times I dont....theres no specific time or person Im with...just depends...but I usually instigate it...cos theres nothing worse being called a dirty bitch by the guy...when at that moment in time...u dont want to be called that lol.
Sex God
Quote by jeanasmile
personally it all depends on the mood and who you are with...and of sexually are turned on....sometimes I like being called names...other times I dont....theres no specific time or person Im with...just depends...but I usually instigate it...cos theres nothing worse being called a dirty bitch by the guy...when at that moment in time...u dont want to be called that lol.

Well said Jeana :thumbup:
Warming the Bed
I stumble and stammer when im being nice, let alone being less than polite, you dirty...erm er person
Warming the Bed
But let's all remember our manners and not talk with our mouths full .... smile
I have never been called names. If either of my partners used some of the names I sometimes see here then I wouldn't like it. Strangely and maybe contradictorily I'm quite happy with names people give to themselves. Eagerslut, for example, and maybe one or two others as well. If I give myself a name then it's my choice - otherwise I can see it to be insulting. I want to be loved and cared for - not insulted. I'm happy with "Eagerslut" as a personal choice but I wouldn't be happy to be called that during love-making. Unless it was with Eagerslut.
There are some words I don't like to hear. Equally, there are some words I do like to hear - these are the loving tender words that surely we all must like. Surely. Even something as mild as "You look nice".
Personally i would never reply to someone asking for a slut etc, it always annoy me when if guys shag lots of women they are looked upon as some kind of hero stud by other men and one of the lads etc yet women are still seen as 'slags' and 'sluts', even tho i'm sure the guys who post these add mean it in a 'good' way it still stems from the same meaning....your a woman who like to shag about so your a slut!
Actually, I've just thought . . . .
"You look nice" must be one of the greatest chat-up lines ever.
Mollie xx
Quote by naughtynymphos1
Personally i would never reply to someone asking for a slut etc, it always annoy me when if guys shag lots of women they are looked upon as some kind of hero stud by other men and one of the lads etc yet women are still seen as 'slags' and 'sluts', even tho i'm sure the guys who post these add mean it in a 'good' way it still stems from the same meaning....your a woman who like to shag about so your a slut!

But surely this is not the case in a swinging community??
Warming the Bed
Molly "Nice" is one of the worse words in the English language!
It means so little, Much better to say, "You look: "wonderful, Sexy, Horny, delicious, good enough to eat etc anything but "Nice"!!!!!
Ah but under stated is sometimes far nicer than over stated :P
Mr Bloke called me a 'dirty bitch' the other night and I punched him wink
Me too here .. hate a totally new man just coming into my life telling me I am a whore ... slut .. slapper ... it smacks of disrespect and is totally offensive to me.
But ....... my lover of 4 yrs calls me all of these and my former lover also called me his fuck bitch, which was an endearment from him.
I suppose I need to know the man is not treating me like a tart, with little respect or care for me before I can feel comfortable with being called a dirty girl ... even if I act like on in the bedroom with him lolol :twisted:
In the end it all comes down to person interpretation of what is actually being said and meant by these words, Good communication and trust is the key and that takes time to establish.
Quote by TallFunLondon
Personally i would never reply to someone asking for a slut etc, it always annoy me when if guys shag lots of women they are looked upon as some kind of hero stud by other men and one of the lads etc yet women are still seen as 'slags' and 'sluts', even tho i'm sure the guys who post these add mean it in a 'good' way it still stems from the same meaning....your a woman who like to shag about so your a slut!

But surely this is not the case in a swinging community??
does it matter what community it is? calling someone a 'whore' or a 'slut' means the same no matter what lift style you have, some women may find it a turn on others wont personally i find it offensive.
All cause i go to clubs and do 20+ men gang bangs that does not make me a slut lol
no serious it don't wink
i remember some guy calling me a dirty slut once while i was giving him a bj and i stopped got dressed and went home :shock: :lol:
Master of Sex
Some of the names in the ads such as those mentioned seem to me to be derogatory, not names one would use in any form of regular social contact. Maybe some ladies into more of a fetish lifestyle like to be referred to with names like this, but i would think that generally, the majority of females in the swinging community who enjoy the freedom of the lifestyle wouldn't like to be called these names.
Quote by naughtynymphos1
Personally i would never reply to someone asking for a slut etc, it always annoy me when if guys shag lots of women they are looked upon as some kind of hero stud by other men and one of the lads etc yet women are still seen as 'slags' and 'sluts', even tho i'm sure the guys who post these add mean it in a 'good' way it still stems from the same meaning....your a woman who like to shag about so your a slut!

But surely this is not the case in a swinging community??
does it matter what community it is? calling someone a 'whore' or a 'slut' means the same no matter what lift style you have, some women may find it a turn on others wont personally i find it offensive.
All cause i go to clubs and do 20+ men gang bangs that does not make me a slut lol
no serious it don't wink
i remember some guy calling me a dirty slut once while i was giving him a bj and i stopped got dressed and went home :shock: :lol:

Jesus - can we come? :shock: :wink:
Quote by sexyluke
Molly "Nice" is one of the worse words in the English language!
It means so little, Much better to say, "You look: "wonderful, Sexy, Horny, delicious, good enough to eat etc anything but "Nice"!!!!!

Sorry Luke,
I can't answer for others but if some guy comes up to me and says "You look horny" - it's likely I will make my excuses and leave. But if he says "You look nice" then I'll probably be prompted to smile talk to him. Certanly I'd smile at him. And maybe talk.
But of course, you could always try either aproach tonight and report back tomorrow with your results.
Mollie xx
(not to be confused with Molly who is a totally different poster)
Quote by Bloke2005
Personally i would never reply to someone asking for a slut etc, it always annoy me when if guys shag lots of women they are looked upon as some kind of hero stud by other men and one of the lads etc yet women are still seen as 'slags' and 'sluts', even tho i'm sure the guys who post these add mean it in a 'good' way it still stems from the same meaning....your a woman who like to shag about so your a slut!

But surely this is not the case in a swinging community??
does it matter what community it is? calling someone a 'whore' or a 'slut' means the same no matter what lift style you have, some women may find it a turn on others wont personally i find it offensive.
All cause i go to clubs and do 20+ men gang bangs that does not make me a slut lol
no serious it don't wink
i remember some guy calling me a dirty slut once while i was giving him a bj and i stopped got dressed and went home :shock: :lol:

Jesus - can we come? :shock: :wink:
yep anytime :wink:
still can't show you my willy tho :lol2::lol2:
Quote by naughtynymphos1
Personally i would never reply to someone asking for a slut etc, it always annoy me when if guys shag lots of women they are looked upon as some kind of hero stud by other men and one of the lads etc yet women are still seen as 'slags' and 'sluts', even tho i'm sure the guys who post these add mean it in a 'good' way it still stems from the same meaning....your a woman who like to shag about so your a slut!

NN you have obviously got issues about this subject. I wouldnt dream of saying such things to a new partner, however i would say it tongue in cheek to a long term partner who was secure enough with me to know i didnt mean it!
Quote by bisto kid
Personally i would never reply to someone asking for a slut etc, it always annoy me when if guys shag lots of women they are looked upon as some kind of hero stud by other men and one of the lads etc yet women are still seen as 'slags' and 'sluts', even tho i'm sure the guys who post these add mean it in a 'good' way it still stems from the same meaning....your a woman who like to shag about so your a slut!

NN you have obviously got issues about this subject. I wouldnt dream of saying such things to a new partner, however i would say it tongue in cheek to a long term partner who was secure enough with me to know i didnt mean it!
I know some women like being called such names, i have put on another post on this thread about some women getting turned on by such names, each to their own i suppose, i personally cannot see how calling someone such names are 'whore' and 'slut' can be anything than degrading but then some woman, and men for that matter. get off on being belittled, its all about finding out what the person your with in into i guess smile
maidinheaven you look nice in fact you look stunning
Quote by naughtynymphos1
Personally i would never reply to someone asking for a slut etc, it always annoy me when if guys shag lots of women they are looked upon as some kind of hero stud by other men and one of the lads etc yet women are still seen as 'slags' and 'sluts', even tho i'm sure the guys who post these add mean it in a 'good' way it still stems from the same meaning....your a woman who like to shag about so your a slut!

NN you have obviously got issues about this subject. I wouldnt dream of saying such things to a new partner, however i would say it tongue in cheek to a long term partner who was secure enough with me to know i didnt mean it!
I know some women like being called such names, i have put on another post on this thread about some women getting turned on by such names, each to their own i suppose, i personally cannot see how calling someone such names are 'whore' and 'slut' can be anything than degrading but then some woman, and men for that matter. get off on being belittled, its all about finding out what the person your with in into i guess smile
Some words said to a partner who you know would be harmless fun. The same words said to a partner you have just met would be offensive even though they could be the same words!
Master of Sex
It doesn't seem right to include it in a swinging situation, unless the lady involved wants some kind of scene and has asked to be your whore-bitch-slut-muffin.
Quote by burnie
It doesn't seem right to include it in a swinging situation, unless the lady involved wants some kind of scene and has asked to be your whore-bitch-slut-muffin.

Yes i agree, unless your asked to so it would be offensive. To be honest i think i would be uncomforable saying these things unless i knew the lady very well.
Sex God
guess that answers that then.....dunno
....davej in the freezer looking for some ice.....
Some girls do,
Some girls don't,
Some girls need a lot of loving,
And some girls want to be totally and utterly abused! I've only just managed to get my head round it, with the help of my fuck buddy who I've known for years - she absolutely goes mental for it - we still haven't found where her threshold is... Gonna keep trying though, it's a dirty filthy sweaty grunting bitch of a job - but someone's gotta do it :twisted:
Quote by bikerdave
maidinheaven you look nice in fact you look stunning

Ooooooooooh Well where's the PM then?
A Swooning Mollie xxx
Quote by burnie
It doesn't seem right to include it in a swinging situation, unless the lady involved wants some kind of scene and has asked to be your whore-bitch-slut-muffin.

I wish i hadnt read this thread im now wondering if my dad ever called my mum that during the throes of passion!!!
anyone recommend a good counsellor? i was a wee innocent soul before i met you lot LOL