Can anyone help?
All this talk of Trust being the key element of swinging is all good and well but how do you know when the truth is real or fake?
I never seem to get it right.
Is their some kind of facial expression, or tone of voice, or particular body language to keep an eye out for?
Is it just gut instinct?
Is it a question of only believing females and remembering that men generally have a hidden agenda?
Is it just me - am I that easy to lie to because I'm too trusting and honest?
It's not just in swinging. I'm talking life generally. I need some advice because I am getting to the point where I really haven't a clue who to trust anymore.
How do I sift through the bullshit to find genuine truths?
Or is it a no-hope situation?
Please don't tell me to only trust my 'friends' - even that can be dangerous...............
I only seek genuine advice.
The people who have betrayed my trust know who they are anyway - I just want to be a bit more prepared for the future.
i find t hard to trust anyone myself sunbunny due to some werd thngs that wont drag up .
but what will say s ths there is only one way to know wether u can trust someone and that is to trust them a lttle and over tme the trust will ether grow or diminsh depending on the persons actons
oh and dont trust or distrust anyone on someone elses advice or maybe thats just my inate paranioa but i allway begin to mistrust the person giving an evaluation of someone else more than i would distrust the person they were saying not to trust
erm did that make any kinda sense?
hmm think i might need to finish my coffe then rewrite it when awake :P
and dont trust anyone who thinks they are insane like me hehe
Trust between two people is the most precious thing they can have. Even if they love eachother the absence of trust will generally mean the relationship is abusive.
Untrustworthiness is definitely not just a man thing.
The unfortunate thing is that trust can be broken in so many ways and for so many reasons. Sometimes they can appear to be good reasons by the trust breaker at the time but that is almost invariably not the case.
I am sorry I am not being much help here but I don't think there is an easy answer to the question. If you trust people naturally, you get a lot out of life that is positive but you are liable to get hurt. If you turn to being naturally suspicious, you lose so much and your life can be poisoned and poisonous.
I think it is possible to tell when someone is lying but it is a skill that most don't have (barristers are trained in it) and besides do you want to spend the whole of your life watching out for negative things like that.
I'm sorry, I know there is hurt behind the question. Dealing with that hurt is another matter. There's real good advice about on that.
Trust...... Truth ........ and...... Honesty....
three main basics in any relationship..... but we must not forget that any relationship has its peaks and troughs..... and totally depends on what is agreed upon between two adults...
equi-princess xxx
the cheques in the post
ive been meaning to ring you
promise i wont cum in your mouth
3 greatest lies of all time
Sunbunny....ltns.... hope your ok..
I always go along with gut instinct... 9/10 times ive been right!!
Sometimes those lies stare us in the face but we don't want to know the truth. We lie to ourselves for awhile. Then realise it's not just the lies that smart as much as the realisation that we've sold ourselves short.....once again.
I found it helped to set my standards higher and not settle for anything less.
If everyone said "Hey! Let's meet up and maybe we can have sex!" There would be complaints about "One liners".
Personally, I appreciate making friends and knowing that a shag is not out of the question.
Some peoples social skills are a bit sparse, I know, but I don't think we can label all those people as "men".
Not all men are like this and not all people like this, are men.
I sometimes wonder if people would be happy with the truth. There's usually some responsibility with the truth. I tend to think most people are asking for a guarantee that they won't get out of their depth.
To me, it seems like you aren't being totally honest here Sunbunny. Is this a thread about " promises and lies" or is it just a surreptious way to get your point over about you being annoyed with someone?
Maybe you are honestly looking for an answer to your question, but I get the feeling you aren't really interested in the answers.
Yep, some men lie, so do some women, some people lie for good reasons, others do it because it is in their nature. Do people make promises they know they wont keep, or do things and events change? Do people tell white lies to not hurt those they care for? Or is it all just one horrible big black lie designed to cause hurt? Who knows!
I was accused of lying recently. On here, without being named. And yes I had. But was it so awful? When a few people who knew me asked what was going on, I told them my side of the story. Because there is always 2 sides. And I was lying in the sense that I didn't tell them something they thought they had a right to know. My view was it was none of their business.
Did I lie? ... yes.
was it malicious? .... No.
Did I mean to lie? No...
Honesty is important, I agree. Personally I wouldn't lie to get a shag, not all fellas on here are lying sods, I am constantly surprised by how genuine and decent some of the fella's on here are, who really aren't into all that typical male chest beating thing.
Anyhows, thats just my view.
I have just recently moved into a new social group, not sexually oriented. There is one guy who has told me a string of contradictory things. I don't think he is deliberately lying, he just can't put it all together in a way that is completely truthful.
theres lies and theres lies tho, some lies are harmless and need 2 be said so save peoples feelings but its the big lies that matter
Strangely enough people get a lot of entertainment out of certain types of lies.
I love finding out if a lie or something like it is going on. If its particularly nasty I seek revenge.
SunBunny - being trusting is not a crime... Taking advantage of someones trusting nature for your own ends is the crime.
You are not responsible for the actions of other people and don't go changing.