Quote by flower411
As long as there are certain safeguards in place, I can`t see anything wrong with this
Had to have a quick Google on this to get up to speed, on this I agree with you. It's their home, they should have a right to invite whoever they like for whatever reason they like into it so long as that presents no risk and doesn't impact on others, and I'm pretty sure sexuality doesn't suddenly switch off when you hit a certain age or fall victim to some kind of disability. Having worked in a care home in my time I can assure you that is very much not the case with some of the dementia patients we had, who were a bit of a handful. I'd have concerns there but for individuals sound in mind and body ( mostly, their reasons for being in a care home notwithstanding ) enough to consent properly some kind of sex life is a right I would have said.
Only concern I would have here is if carers were in on the profits in some way, or the residents were being exploited but otherwise, fine. Prostitution is not illegal, no harm is being done, basic human drive that needs expression in some way is being fulfilled, there is no breach here of the home's duty of care it would seem. No problem.