pmsl let me find the words its gonna take a while to put into any sort of sense but i will post here today since i saw this last night ive wanted to say my piece but was asked not to ................. may as well be hung for a sheep instead of a lamb
please people who are on my msn and face book do not leave me any comments as my boys are on my face book and i certainly dont want them to know
Hey Westy, I've know for ages you've been an escort. I couldn't give a shit :lol2:
Well done on standing up an explaining why you were doing it though even though you don't ever have to explain yourself to anyone :thumbup:
thank you dawnie xxxx atleast now the full story is out so the bullying and blackmail wont get anybody anywhere will it anymore
I dont have a problem with folk doing whatever they wish to be they workers or clients.
Sadly because of the laws surrounding prostitution its not something that I could get involved in or support.
The sad reality is that four grand will buy an eastern european woman to be enslaved in the sex trade.
That said, welcome to the forums Brucie, I hope folk settle down and your threads lead to more debate and less attack.
ok i know what i meant that you will get arrested if you are caught on the streets selling your services i also know that ita legal to advistise escorts etc as long as it does not mention sex... but thank you guys for correcting me lol xx
how do you know he didn't :lol2: :giggle:
in my case it was done to put food on the table and for gas and electric for my kids, yes i did get addicted to the money in the end and as for self esteem mine was fine lol was nothing wrong with that at all, all i cared about was putting clothes on my kids backs and making sure they were fed and warm and that is why i started
Love it or loath it the oldest profession is here to stay and no amount of legislation or campainers by moral dogooders wll ever make it go away.
Have it legalised as they do in certain continetal countries and let stop pretending that we can assume any moral high ground.
Men want sex ...simple ...woman ( and some men) will accept payment for sex...simple.
I would rather have a legal brothel in my town than a sexualy abused child that has been by some horny degenerate on a drunken Saturday night.