This country is faaaaaaaar from perfect but there are a lot of places worse to live and so I am proud of my nationality yes :-)
I can't say I'm proud to be English, or British - not because I have any particular grievance, but just because...well to be proud to me, implies I've done something to help make it the way it is, and I haven't.
I'm glad to be British, yes, there are a lot worse places to live - but proud? No, I can't take any credit, so I feel I can't say I'm proud.
I'm English/British by dint of the majority of my immediate heritage, and place of birth
I'm also quite an amalgumn of other bits and bobs from verious places/lines.
Each of which I feel are very much a part of me.
This Sceptred Isle
Perfidious Albion?
I don't do pride... but hey... this is where I am, and this is where I'm from.
Don't f*ck with it.
that was rather strong wasn't it? apologies
Very proud to be British. Our history is chequered with good and bad. But, I think we have contributed more to the world in the last 500 years than any other nation in science, agriculture, industrialisation and parliamentary democracy.
In all honesty I can't say that I've ever understood the logic of national pride.
No I can't say I'm proud to be British, or that if I were any other nationality, I would proud to be that one either. I've done and am things I am not proud of and I have done and am things I amproud of. I don't see myself as British, I just see myself as me and I try to be the best me I can.
Fire xx
im definately proud of my heritage....
What a question well I would say I'm proud to be british but britain not as it is now.
Food is up, petrol is up, well the whole cost of living has gone up but our wages are still not enough to keep up with the prices going up, the fact that we let every low life from other countrys (the ones that want to work are great but there are so many that come over and don't work) and after listening to the news when it said MPs will have a f**king pay rise (which is not fair) so I'm proud of what britain use to be.
There does seem to be something in the air this weekend Mar but not in this thread :thumbup:
Tan just forgot to put your kiss at the end of her post. Didn't ya Tan :giggle: