Shop em, they'll never sort it on thieir own
do it do it doit!!! :twisted:
If it's just a little shop, I'd be tempted to think they were selling dodgy scratchcards. Our local shops sell fags and booze that you just know have come off the back of a lorry.
i might be very wrong here, but if it's a big supermarket then it seems to me unlikely that they would be selling dodgy stuff deliberately. However, if they are, then people should know about it.
I go with whoever said to give em a chance to sort it, but also stand your ground if you feel strongly enough about it. Don't be bullied into submission.
One more thing - do NOT let those scratchcards out of your sight! That's your evidence!
Given that you original ticket was swopped by the cashier, it seems odd that the manager then asks you to retract your reasonable assessment of the situation. Is he already aware of a problem or just trying to protect the good name of the store. Your answer to your quandry perhaps lies there....if you feel he's part of the problem then it looks like you need to tell Camelot. If however he's just trying to fob you off, go higher up and see how they handle it. The fact is the ticket had been tampered with, thats not in dispute, logically it can only have been a memeber of staff.
I've just recently been on a training course with camelot (long story). This situation was brought up several times. There are several scams perpetrated by unscrupopulous shops on scratch cards. Report them to camelot immedeatly as this wont be an isolated incident it's just that you caught them out. It is not possible to make a mistake with the system that is in place, they are definatly pulling a scam. There is no benefit of the doubt here.
Just don't give the shop too much persona linfo, if there is something underhand going on, they may try and shift the blame to you. After all you're now the one in possesion of the dodgy tickets
Paranoid I know, but it happens.
I'd say ring camelot straight away
Shop them but first go to see the manager and find out their explanation. Camolots will probably ask you what was said.
As said before DO not let the tickets go when you see the manager........Photocopy them as well for backup
Having a bit of experience of National Lottery things, all scratchcards have to be activated using the lottery terminal prior to sale to enable winning tickets to be recognised by the system when presented. Camelot already know which are the winners at the production stage.
The cards come in sealed plastic wrappers, Camelot knows exactly who is selling which scratchards, how many they have in stock and how many winners are due from their sale. Sometimes the rub-off panels on the back of the cards can be damaged in transit or during unpacking. It is possible that the new batch weren't activated prior to being issued due to poor procedures at the store or untrained staff not knowing what they were doing.
HOWEVER, I find it strange that so many mistakes were made in such a short space of time and personally I would raise my concerns to Camelot. If there is negligence, fraudulent activity or just plain bad procedures being used by the store they will get their arses kicked by Camelot who are really touchy about this kind of thing.
Let 'em have it I say!
I would go stratight to Camelot. Had they have genuinely wanted to sort this matter out they would have offered you far more than the groceries and certainly wouldnt have been so defensive!!
The store had their chance and blew it. I would definately photocopy the tickets, just in case and when i contacted Camelot I would just state the facts they should be quiet capable of seeing the implications themselves.
All of what has been said above is very valid.
It is my opinion that if you return to the store, they will try and win you over with baubles bangles and shiny things.
If you get taken in by all of that, the store will carry on with thier dodgy dealings.
No doubt there are quite a few scams going on that Camelot are aware of.
They have the expirence to deal far better with stores that are scamming.
I would report them, because they are depriving people like yourself from winning.
I would have said to go to the shop first....but having read everyone's tales here about Lottery Fraud I would say go to Camelot and tell them about it....
Let us know how it all goes Steph.....
Too right, sounds decidedly dodgy, especially with the odds on actually winning, so if they are fiddeling the books so to speak, there is even less chance of winning. this gets really bad when one of the older people in our society go in, as they are not as sharp as some of use, and invetibaly they loose out.. nail the buggers
just a thought...if they hadn't activated the tickets then they wouldn't have been able to check if they were winners so it probably wasn't a scam, unless the replacement cards came from a different pack of course. you may well have handed back a winner!
If the supermarket in question is TESCO definately take it forward, I have heard that a Tesco store manager has a £1500 immediate compensation fund for keeping bad news out of local press, though I could not be 100 % certain.
To JudyTV
:giveup: :giveup: :giveup: :giveup:
yours sincerely
Seriously, that's some good points which I did not consider.
Applause for taking it further.
Lottery tickets are often bought by people who can't really afford them.
Hopes and dreams can be riding on them, and anyone defrauding the public of such scant hope, deserves to go to jail, let alone lose their Lottery agency priviledge.