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Question for ladies with Christina piercings

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Does anyone on here have a Christina? If so, can you give me any info/opinions/advice?
I have tried to have a vertical hood piercing done once, and it hurt so much I'm sure I levitated 3 foot off the couch! The piercer tried twice and gave up.
They said they couldn't use any kind of anaethetic/freezing spray in that area - did you have any "help" with the pain?
How painful was your Christina? And if you have other piercings, was the Christina more or less painful?
And finally, can anyone recommend any reputable piercing studios in the South East? Preferably Surrey/Hants
I take it a Christina is a genital pieircing? dunno As for using anaesthetics, it can be used. Lignocaine is used when inserting unrinary catheters so why not for a piercing?
You're very brave I'll say that for you ! :scared:
quote --Does anyone on here have a Christina? If so, can you give me any info/opinions/advice
:shock: yer if it hurts dont do it :!:
It's not in Surrey but Brighton's not too far. I have heard good things about the quality of clit piercing at what used to be Perforations in Brighton. Trouble is they've changed their name and I can't recall what it is now. The old site isn't working unfortunately. I do know they did a cracking job on my PA.
Quote by Greebo
It's not in Surrey but Brighton's not too far. I have heard good things about the quality of clit piercing at what used to be Perforations in Brighton. Trouble is they've changed their name and I can't recall what it is now. The old site isn't working unfortunately. I do know they did a cracking job on my PA.

Not for the reply ( coz I don;t have a fecking clue what you're on about rolleyes ) but for the Pratchett reference ......................... worship :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship:
Quote by Sassy-Seren
It's not in Surrey but Brighton's not too far. I have heard good things about the quality of clit piercing at what used to be Perforations in Brighton. Trouble is they've changed their name and I can't recall what it is now. The old site isn't working unfortunately. I do know they did a cracking job on my PA.

Not for the reply ( coz I don;t have a fecking clue what you're on about rolleyes ) but for the Pratchett reference ......................... worship :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship:
Quote by H-x
It's not in Surrey but Brighton's not too far. I have heard good things about the quality of clit piercing at what used to be Perforations in Brighton. Trouble is they've changed their name and I can't recall what it is now. The old site isn't working unfortunately. I do know they did a cracking job on my PA.

Not for the reply ( coz I don;t have a fecking clue what you're on about rolleyes ) but for the Pratchett reference ......................... worship :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship:
Thirded even.....wink
Quote by LusciousAss
Does anyone on here have a Christina? If so, can you give me any info/opinions/advice?
I have tried to have a vertical hood piercing done once, and it hurt so much I'm sure I levitated 3 foot off the couch! The piercer tried twice and gave up.
They said they couldn't use any kind of anaethetic/freezing spray in that area - did you have any "help" with the pain?
How painful was your Christina? And if you have other piercings, was the Christina more or less painful?
And finally, can anyone recommend any reputable piercing studios in the South East? Preferably Surrey/Hants

Went for one...didn't have enough clit hood sad well pissed off.
Can anyone explain to me why they might want to do this to themselves?
what the hells a christina?
i have my hood pierced but as i don't know what a christina is i have no idea if its what ur talking about lol
I have my hood pierced horizontal as apposed to vertical as you had (theres a pic of it on my profile), yeah it hurt but its only for a short while you just have to grip the bed lol
Quote by naughtynymphos1
what the hells a christina?
i have my hood pierced but as i don't know what a christina is i have no idea if its what ur talking about lol
I have my hood pierced horizontal as apposed to vertical as you had (theres a pic of it on my profile), yeah it hurt but its only for a short while you just have to grip the bed lol

I think that its an alternate name for a Queen
"The Christina is not a very popular piercing, due to its lengthy healing time and high rejection rate. The Christina is a vertical piercing through the V-shaped junction at the top of the outer labia which comes out slightly above in the pubic area."
Taken from a body piercing handbook . . .
Personally I'm sticking with my hood piercing - healed up within days and great fun to have wink
Ooooooo Pratchett fans......
Anyone want to make this cat purr, feel
Strange how that would have sounded good 30 years ago........... rolleyes
They couldn't do a hood piercing on me. It was hiding too deep for them to reach, although they did try using a rather vicious clamp ( more like kitchen tongs! ) to try and capture it.
Ooooooo Pratchett fans......
Anyone want to make this cat purr, feel
Strange how that would have sounded good 30 years ago........... rolleyes
I can reccommend 'Capileo' in Southsea. Nick is the guy to ask for, he is very good. Did my PA which was totally painless and caused no problems. I appreciate a Christina is not quite the same but hes always happy to chat.
As for the pain thing try hypnotherapy.
:shock: Me eyes are watering :shock:
Sassy makes a note to avoid this topic in future :giggle:
Quote by LusciousAss
Does anyone on here have a Christina? If so, can you give me any info/opinions/advice?
I have tried to have a vertical hood piercing done once, and it hurt so much I'm sure I levitated 3 foot off the couch! The piercer tried twice and gave up.
They said they couldn't use any kind of anaethetic/freezing spray in that area - did you have any "help" with the pain?
How painful was your Christina? And if you have other piercings, was the Christina more or less painful?
And finally, can anyone recommend any reputable piercing studios in the South East? Preferably Surrey/Hants

I had mine done nearly 3 years ago with no pain at all, the only shock I felt was when it was inserted, and a pain killing cream was used. it healed within a week and apart from breaking the bar :shock: have never had any trouble whatsoever from it, in fact we have pics of it being done. hope this helps
Quote by catnpaul
in fact we have pics of it being done. hope this helps

:shock: :scared:
Despite having an awful lot of tattoos (and being rather fond of the pain involved too :shock: ) I, long ago, decided, never to get any piercings. I am rather fond of my genitals (and nipples) and really don't want anything done to them that may result in infection and inablity to 'play' for any length of time. rolleyes
On the subejct of piercings, played with a guy with a Prince Albert in a club the other week and got scratched internally so much couldn't shag for a few days..never again I can tell you :shock:
PS My daughter is a trained piercer, has some scary equipment I can tell you, and even she has never heard of that particular piercing being called a 'Christina', guess it must be quite an obscure name? confused
Quote by catnpaul
lol it was a well known male who is on this site lmao I'll let him decide if he wants to identify himself. am looking for the pic now will put it on our profile when I find it.
there you go

I think my clit has just shot up inside my body never to be seen again :lol2:
Quote by Dawn_Mids
I think my clit has just shot up inside my body never to be seen again :lol2:

Ah but you could twist your nipple rings which always made me green with pain lol :lol: :lol:
I didn't have any pain when I had my hood piercing done, but it was done years ago and they did use a topical anaesthetic.
I sent you link that might be useful.
Quote by Jas-Tim
Ah but you could twist your nipple rings which always made me green with pain lol :lol: :lol:

:lol2: :lol2: :lol2:
I was thinking of them the other day. Its been a year since I took them out and can't make up my mind whether to have them peirced again or not confused
Quote by Dawn_Mids
Ah but you could twist your nipple rings which always made me green with pain lol :lol: :lol:

:lol2: :lol2: :lol2:
I was thinking of them the other day. Its been a year since I took them out and can't make up my mind whether to have them peirced again or not confused
I was thinking of having mine redone - Timmy seems to like them for some reason :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Quote by flidais-media
PS My daughter is a trained piercer, has some scary equipment I can tell you, and even she has never heard of that particular piercing being called a 'Christina', guess it must be quite an obscure name? confused

She may know it as a it's alternative *Venus* piercing?
Certainly it's the name known in the older circles . . . . Christina being a fairly modern name for it.
Quote by RedHot
PS My daughter is a trained piercer, has some scary equipment I can tell you, and even she has never heard of that particular piercing being called a 'Christina', guess it must be quite an obscure name? confused

She may know it as a it's alternative *Venus* piercing?
Certainly it's the name known in the older circles . . . . Christina being a fairly modern name for it.
Aha, that could explain it..I'll ask her when I see her again wink
Personally 'venus' sounds much better than 'Christina' biggrin
Quote by flidais-media
On the subejct of piercings, played with a guy with a Prince Albert in a club the other week and got scratched internally so much couldn't shag for a few days..never again I can tell you :shock:

Not only does that sound painful........guess it caused some damage to the condom :shock:
Quote by Waterbabe

On the subejct of piercings, played with a guy with a Prince Albert in a club the other week and got scratched internally so much couldn't shag for a few days..never again I can tell you :shock:

Not only does that sound painful........guess it caused some damage to the condom :shock:
Yes..don't think I'll be going there again. :shock:
Would be interested in how others get on with Prince Albert piercings on those they shag?
We've never had a problem that anyone has made us aware of and we've never had a condom split while playing.
We only use one type of condom though, nothing with frills or bobbles unfortunatly, and nothing superfine or thin sad
but such is life, the benefits outweigh the condom limitations :twisted: :twisted: